Retroactively reacting if an effect is missed

I'm just curious, if you realize that you have missed an effect during the course of gameplay, do you rewind and try try to implement the effects?


I usually do, the other day I missed two ennead inapactitated powers and didn't realize them until after the villain turn (Play the top card of the Environment Deck and shuffle the villain trash into the villain deck.  I attempted and played the Environment Deck (chemical explosion which incapacitated 2 heroes and turned the game from sure win next turn into Phew (thank you Wrathful Retribution).  I was then going to try to revert the shuffling and which Ennead card would be played but at that point the two incapacitated players already reshuffled their deck and we were unable to do so.  One thing I like about cooperative games is people don't tend to complain about this, but I was just wondering how the board feels?

It really depends on what it was that was missed and how much it would change. Such as a villian playing an additional card that I accidently skipped over, I would go ahead and play that card and see what happens, ignoring any effects of a hero that may have already played something on their turn if they had already acted before we realized we skipped something. There have been times where I had forgotten Bunker played Foam Grenade, so instead we just won't play an environment card on the next environment turn to make up for the fact.


Something that happened 2 rounds ago I may just say forget about it since there isn't really anyway to adjust it without having to figure out what was in play at that time and how that would effect the missing thing in question. It's oh well, have to be more careful next time. One thing I tend to forget it the advanced rules, as I don't tend to play using it too often.

Sometimes I do forget to do stuff, but if it's a turn or two later by the time I realise this we tend to just say "Oh bugger, whoops, best remember that in future". Depends what it is, though - last night we were fighting Akash'Bhuta and destroyed about three of her limbs. And a turn or two later (think it was the Environment's turn), then I remembered "oh shit, she should have been hitting herself for that stuff I destroyed a minute ago" so retroactively dealt her damage based on what cards were out at the time (eg Mountainous Carapace). We also, somehow, forgot on a couple of occasions to play from her deck or discard from the Environment during the appropriate circumstances (regarding drawing/destroying targets in either of those two decks, depending on which side she was on).

Hey, you know, we've only been playing this game multiple times every weekend since last September…I'll just blame it on my being full of pizza and cookies :P.


At least you've only been playing since September. I'll have been playing games every week for 2 years come this July. What does that say about me?

Okay, maybe the volcano temporarily melted my brain, or something. Even though it wasn't out at the time. Maybe the psychic damage from Entomb messed up my head and made me forget stuff ;).