Ronway Live Streaming SotM: The Video Game

I will be doing live streams over on my Twitch Channel. I don't have a set day I will be doing it each week yet, but Wednesday is a currect thought.

Episode 1 - Silent Ronway - Citizen Dawn 

Episode 2.1 - Static Ronway, Matchstickman, and Silverleaf - Ambuscade

Episode 2.2 - Static Ronway, Matchstickman, and Silverleaf - Baron Blade and Citizen Dawn

Episode 2.3- Static Ronway, Matchstickman, and Silverleaf - Grand Warlord Voss

Episode 3.1 - Ronway and Silverleaf - Grand Warlord Voss and Cosmic Omnitron

Episode 3.2 - Ronway and Silverleaf - Mad Bomber Blade and Ambuscade

Hero special: Absolute Zero

They are all being added to a playlist on Youtube!

The next episode will be on someday soon!

I think its a great Idea I know you tought me alot comeing and playing with us!!!! So Everyone Please Support Ronway

Dear god! Please tell us he didn't teach you the art of wearing no pants!

I thought it was more of a science.


LMAO Who said I wore Pants to begin with??? why do you think I was off camera in my pic, totaly nude, can't help it

Someone call CDC. Ronway is infecting the world with pantslessness! It'll become an epidemic!

Based on the current responses, there seems to be a fair amount of folks who are interested. Now I just need to come up with a day and time to start these.

Yesterday noon.

Hmm... I could probably do it on Tuesdays at noon CST. The downside to that is, will folks really want to spend the day watching me play then turn around and watch Handelabra? That may be a bit much for a single day's worth of activities.

I meant you should start yesterday…anyways, why not have another survey.

I could do another survey... But I think I may just do Wednesdays at 7 CST. Which means I could do one tonight...

You need to play SotM with a talking animal.

Then I will watch.

Or with Gloomweaver.

You need a stuffed Gloomweaver that intentially tries to off the heroes while you have to find a way to win.

It would be glorious.

I am watching one now!

Nuts. Thought I would make it home in time.

I'm not currently streaming to Twitch, but I always do Steam Broadcasting whenever I play. Which can be found here

You need to bring along at least one entertaining Brit, it's a tried and true formula. I can even recommend a couple!

Did we just relegated to being a nation of comic relief?


Eh, I'll take it.

Works for me.
