Rook City sleeves

I sleeved the EE with Ultra Pro Pro-Fit and they have worked very well, nice tight fit and cheap.  I picked up Rook City today and noticed the cards were slightly larger, just big enough to not fit my sleeves.  What sleeves are comparable to Pro-Fit in terms of tight fit that I can use for Rook City?

A note: I have tried FF sleeves which are great but are entirely too large for these cards

Sorry about thr messy text I’m on my phone and don’t feel like formatting properly.

Thanks for the reply, I really appreciate it escpecially because this topic probably comes up at least once a month.  My problem is with the 1-2 mm wider Rook City cards that do not fit into 64 mm wide sleeves I have been using for EE.  I have seen topics on BGG alking about the size discrepancy but no solution was listed.  For someone who obsessively sleeves, the whole thing is really irritating...


I sort of barely made them fit the Green May days I was using. The height was fine, but width was off too.

ST and IR fits perfectly though. (SInce my EE was also the taller ones, but protects majority of the cards.)