Ruling question about X's innate power and Cannot Play Cards.

If a card prevents Hero Cards from being played, can Omnitron-X still play them via his innat power? Obviously Environemnt and Villain Decks are generally still playable as most "cannot play" cards specify hero cards, but what about playing from a hero deck? Is this still forbidden, only allowing him to discard it? Or is this permissable since it's not being played from the hand?

Time-Shift puts cards into play, so they are technically not played. So therefore you can use it to put hero cards into play even if heroes cannot play cards.

Same thing applies to the Scholar's Don't Dismiss Anything, yes? *looking for confirmation*

I believe the wording for Don't Dismiss Anything is put the top card of their deck into play so it would in fact still trigger. Though if heroes can't play cards he may have some trouble getting it out!

Unless he gets it out with Omnitron-X's Timeshift! =P

Anyone else started referring to OX as H.E.L.P.eR.?

The guys I play with have started doing it. They're HUGE nerds :wink:

