Savage Mana + Bee Bot = Double Bee Bot?

According to the Ammo Drop rule, Bunker gets to double dip from Savage Mana. Using this precedent, would Unity get to destroy an ongoing when Haka punches the Bee Bot then AGAIN when Haka uses Savage Mana with Bee Bot underneath?


I think yes.

I think no.

Because, Ammo Drop triggers from the Ammo Drop card which is still in play.

Bee Bot, being under Savage Mana is no longer in play, so its text is not in effect anymore, so it will not trigger.

That is contrary to the ruling for Akash'Bhuta's Limb cards being underneath Savage Mana.  I don't have a citation for that, sadly.  But there is nothing on the card that states that cards underneath Savage Mana do not have text on them (like Safehouse or Shrine of The Ennead).

Is there a ruling for Akash'Bhuta's limb cards under Savage Mana?  I asked about that awhile ago, but didn't see any official response.

While nothing says that cards under savage mana are out of play or have no text, it becomes a terrible card if we don't assume this.  I mean you wouldn't have all the minions under Savage Mana doing their attacks at the end of the villain turn, or providing ongoing effects like reducing damage to villain cards?

I'd make the same assumption for Bunker's Omni-Cannon.  Allowing him to put three cards into play at the start of his turn would be quite a boost, but charging up omni-cannon would be difficult if you had to obey limited restrictions and text on mode cards under it.

Ah, I guess not.  It was brought up in IR Playtesting, but it never got an official response.  My mistake!  I stand by the idea that card destruction causes their effects to activate a second time.  Great for Akash'Bhuta.  Horrible for The Matriarch (Which is sort of funny considering the 2nd Edition artwork.  Then again, storing Birds underneath Savage Mana and not using it's Power would be a pretty great idea if this interpretation is correct).

Double bee bot can be very powerful. We need an official ruling here.

Alrighty: here's the official ruling. The game text on those cards is no longer in play, therefore destroying them a second time does not activate their game text. 

Now, for Bunker's Ammo Drop, he gets the extra draw, as they're still villain cards. But any specific text on the cards does not activate.

Would that trigger The Operative's revenge damage if there are Villain cards underneath Savage Mana and its power is used?

I guess yes. Since Operative is still in play and villain cards are still in play.

Christopher said that cards lose their game text, but it sounds like the type of card doesn't change.  That sounds to me like the Operative's revenge damage would trigger again since they are still villain cards being destroyed.  Bunker and Haka beware.

oh so for Akabushta as well, i take it? So if Haka takes out a limb, do they still do damage to Aka after he blows up Savage Mana?

No.  The Operative and Ammo Drop abilities goes off because the text is on a card which is still in play.  Akash'bhuta's limbs have an ability on the limb card.  It goes off the first time they are destroyed, but once under Savage Mana they are just villain cards with no active text.  So when they are destroyed a second time their ability would not go off again.

Now, I guess you could question whether they are still villain targets to trigger the ability on Akash'bhuta's back side, but I think having no text would include not having HP.

Eek, could be a bit painful if you have a significant amount of the Matriarch's flock under your Savage Mana ;).

Or you can just leave those birds safely tucked away, never to darken the skies again.

Don't discharge your Omnicannon when the Fence is in play !


I think I will houserule that cards under Savage Mana or Omnicannon are just "charges" without type, it will prevent some headache :)

I'm not sure it would work for The Matriarch either.  Doesn't hers trigger on "Fowl" cards?  If they have no text, they aren't "fowl".  We only think works for the Operative, because they are still villain cards.  Though whether they are villain "targets", that I don't know actually, so maybe it wouldn't work on them either.  What does the Operative's text say, targets or cards?  Again, we know it works for Bunker because they are still "villain cards", but if they have no text, they have no hps, so maybe they aren't "villain targets" either?

Operative's text says "Whenever a villain card is destroyed...", Matriarch's is identical, but replace "villain" with "fowl". I just got my cards out in order to check :).

So then my guess is that The Operative's would work for cards released from Savage Mana, but The Matriarch's would not.

Right, because a card beneath Savage Mana remains a villain card, but since all card text is removed, the "fowl" keyword is inoperative (if I'm following along).

So Savage Mana and Omnicannon are deadly if used against CHairman or Matriarch?