SC:RPG @ the Malted Meeple

Grettings Sentinels!


We have some slots left over for the Sentinels Comics RPG event @ the Malted Meeple in Hudson Ohio. I am hoping to drum up some more interest in the game and make it a regular saturday event. If anyone is in the area and can make it you can also RSVP on the Malted Meeple's Meet Up page at the link below. For anyone who doesn't know the Meeple is a gaming bar that has milkshakes beer and snacks as well as tables for all your favorite RPG's. Hope to see you guys there.



It says something about my complete inability to get people to want to play this with me that i am actually giving some minor thought to driving 12 hours to give this a shot.

But its just not feasable for a weekly event.

Honestly, the main thing keeping me from playing this is time. 

Even with my monthly-ish "Blackfang108 runs a random RPG from his wall because he spent all of this money," it's going to be a while before I get to run a couple of issues of this.