hey all i was on the train the other day and was looking at the print out of the the scenarios from spiffworld.com/sotm and came up with one on y own on the fly and want to get so thought on how i can tweek them to work better my orignal post of this on BGG http://boardgamegeek.com/thread/1158490/story-chalange
scenario #1
Required heroes: Expatriate, the wraith, mr fixer
Environment: rook city
Villain: the chairman
The police have a eye witness to put a end. To the chairman's reign over rook city The police commissioner ask the heroes to provide an escort of the witness to safe while they prepare the case
Win conditions
Defeat the chairman
The witness stays alive
The witness is considered a hero target and has 10 hp whenever the witness would take damage a hero may redirect the damage to them but can not be redirected any futher the witness is always considered the highest and the lowest hp hero target for damage only
its ment to be some what like the safe house movie with Denzel Washington and Ryan Reynold where this fbi/cia type guy is tring to get his charge to a safe house but croupt cops and crimanls are after the witness
scenario #2
Huber two
Required heroes: expatriate,mr fixer,the wraith
Villain: ambuscade
Environment: rook city,megalopolis
Win conditions
Defeat ambuscade
Or get to the court house
The heroes are requested again to escort the witness to the court house for the trail of the chairman but he has hired ambicde to take out the witness before he gets to the court house
Special rules
The witness has 10 hp and is considered a hero target and always the highest and lowest hp target for damage effects whenever the witness would take damage a hero can redirect it to themself but cant be redirect any further
Start with rook city when it runs out switch to megalopolis when that runs out you have reached the courthouse and have won the game
At the beginning of the environment turn before any start of turn effects any number of heroes can discard a card if the do discard the top X cards of the current environment deck X= the number of cards discarded this way
this scenario is ment to be like the 16 blocks movie with Bruce willis where a witness is due uptown in court buy a certin time and all the crooked cops are trying to stop the one good cop getting this guy to the court house
im thinking for the 2nd one maybe put a timer of X number of turns or adding in spite as a 2nd villian that alternates with ambuscade in beeting the heroes down so it give them a reason to burn throught evrioment deck i made a small tweek already took out one enviroment deck which was pike industal complex as the starting