I've seen in two places that scrapped Station cards go into the Station Scrap with the Opposition side up. (From official FAQ). I can see how this would apply to Station cards that get flipped during Aftermath phase, but does this also apply to Station tech cards that are intially Installed on a Strike Force ship and later scrapped through battle damage?
So, eventually these Opposition side up Station cards are going to be dealt out to replenish empty Sector decks. When one of these Opp face up cards is on the top of the Station deck, when does it go into play? And if during the Aftermath phase an Opp side up Station card is flipped to the SF side because of the action of an unengaged Opp ship, how is that then put into play (per the rules to flip a station card and put it into play)?
So where the heck is that in the rules? I've seen in the forums that you're to scrap them Opp side up (haven't yet found that in the rules), and the rule book states you put the undealt Station cards essentially in the scrap withthe Opp side up, but nowhere do I see anything about replenishing them SF side up. Why even make a point to discard them Opp side up if you're just going to flip them SF side up when you replenish. Why not just scrap them SF side up and be done with it?