Hey all,
I recently picked up this game and read the core rules and I am really liking how this game works compared to the numerous Super Hero RPG’s I’ve read and played. This one seems the most GM friendly while still allowing the PC’s to really get creative with their activities and influencing the narrative, but without stepping on the GM’s toes.
Problem is there aren’t alot of RPG’ers in my local group interested in playing this game face to face, so I am recruiting for running a game in Discord and/or D20 on Tuesday evenings between 7:30 pm and 10:30 pm or Saturday Afternoons between 4 pm and 8 pm (EDT). Please contact me via this forum or on the Discord server (Realm of Discord, same account name) to let me know if you are interested. I am looking for a group between 3 and 5 heroes.