I played my first ever game of Fiasco (http://www.bullypulpitgames.com/games/fiasco/) earlier with Trent and Niel over Google Hangouts, which was awesome! We had great fun and created a pretty cool story too. Fiasco's a storytelling game which, according to the website, is about "cinematic tales of small time capers gone disastrously wrong – inspired by films like Blood Simple, Fargo, The Way of the Gun, Burn After Reading, and A Simple Plan."
There are loads of "playsets" available which are basically the seting, so you can play anything from a teen romantic comedy to Renaissance Italy to a Guy Ritchie movie to a sci-fi set on an abandoned spacestation, and of course superheroes!
So, anyone interested in playing? Just gaugeing interest at the moment really.
I really love the idea of Fiasco, but I've not gotten around to playing it. A Sentinels playset? Colour me intrigued. "The Reluctant Hero," "The Reluctant Villain," a cool Tilt table with captures and destruction. I can see it. Someone get on it!
Side note: I think this would work quite well with GSF, too. That setting seems just as prone to hare-brained schemes and sudden, but inevitable, betrayal.
Well there are some superhero playsets out there already which could totally be used to create a Sentinels-style game.
[url=http://www.bullypulpitgames.com/downloads/index.php?cat=7#110]Heroes of Pinnacle City[/url], [url=http://yarukizerogames.com/2012/02/02/fiasco-heroics/]Heroics[/url] and [url=http://www.bullypulpitgames.com/wiki/index.php?title=Science_Comics]Science Comics[/url] are all superhero playsets which look pretty fun. Heroics is kind of wannabe no-powers superheroes like in the movie Kickass, or I suppose Expatriette. ;)
As long as you don't mind that your superhero will probably have extremely bad things happen to them. Extremely. Bad. Things.