Sentinels-flavoured Fiasco

I played my first ever game of Fiasco ( earlier with Trent and Niel over Google Hangouts, which was awesome! We had great fun and created a pretty cool story too. Fiasco's a storytelling game which, according to the website, is  about "cinematic tales of small time capers gone disastrously wrong – inspired by films like Blood Simple, Fargo, The Way of the Gun, Burn After Reading, and A Simple Plan."

There are loads of "playsets" available which are basically the seting, so you can play anything from a teen romantic comedy to Renaissance Italy to a Guy Ritchie movie to a sci-fi set on an abandoned spacestation, and of course superheroes!

So, anyone interested in playing? Just gaugeing interest at the moment really.

Tabletop had an episode on Fiasco if anybody wants to see how it's played.

Thanks, I'd forgotten about that. It's a great video!

I really love the idea of Fiasco, but I've not gotten around to playing it. A Sentinels playset? Colour me intrigued. "The Reluctant Hero," "The Reluctant Villain," a cool Tilt table with captures and destruction. I can see it. Someone get on it!

Side note: I think this would work quite well with GSF, too. That setting seems just as prone to hare-brained schemes and sudden, but inevitable, betrayal.

Well there are some superhero playsets out there already which could totally be used to create a Sentinels-style game.

[url=]Heroes of Pinnacle City[/url], [url=]Heroics[/url] and [url=]Science Comics[/url] are all superhero playsets which look pretty fun. Heroics is kind of wannabe no-powers superheroes like in the movie Kickass, or I suppose Expatriette. ;)

As long as you don't mind that your superhero will probably have extremely bad things happen to them. Extremely. Bad. Things.

I did not know those existed, having yet to convince my friends to actually play. But perhaps that will add some motivation.

I hope you get to play, it's fun! You could try an online game with us if you can't persuade your friends...