Sentinels Hero Poll!

This came up in one of the Sentinels servers and I was curious. Vote based on vibes, doesn’t matter if you love them for lore or mechanics reasons, and you can pick up to three!

Added Young Legacy on a request, even though we haven’t seen a deck, we do have a nemesis symbol, so I figured it was okay.


Yeah, no. I’m like Christopher in this respect; I don’t have favourites. There are certainly some heroes that I prefer over others, but I can’t pick just one (or three) that are better than all the rest.

No love for Visionary, Naturalist, or Mainstay? They each have only a single vote at present. : (


I mean, Mainstay was my second choice, but Mister Fixer was right there next to him…

Probably would have voted for Fashion if she’d been on the list.

Have I mentioned how much it galls me that Guise is the closest thing to a stretchy hero Sentinels has? The stretchy ones always get my vote - unless they’re named Reed Richards, that joyless jerk. :slight_smile: