Sentinels of the Multiverse: The card game: The webcomic

Based off a short conversation in this thread


so in the above mentioned thread I had a short conversation with Donner about the idea of a sentinels webcomic using images from the cards in the game akin to a screw cap comic. (And possibly images from the rpg rule books). I am willing to do this (now that I have a new computer) but I'm probably gonna need some help because, while I own almost every card in the game I do not have any of the images on my computer physically. Also: I need plot help. We have plenty of images to use and put into various orders. 


anybody who wants to help: click here for a link to the discussion doc.


So... What do you guys think? Will you help me? Will I be sued by Adam and Christopher?

There are options for how to run the story.  Is it a group playing super-hero games together?  Is it an attempt to re-hash the existing story visually?

I would be happy to help with a plot, but I can’t tell you about the legal stuff or turning the images into digital ones.

I don't think I'll gt sued so long as I credit adam and make sure I make it clear I don't own the images. I mean, have you seen how many comics use sprites and images from other media. Like darths & droids for example.

Why not just ask? [shrug] Christopher and Paul are both fairly easy to get in touch with, after all.

I agree with Jeysie that asking is a good step. Not claiming ownership and giving credit to the owners does not absolve someone of copyright infringement. Now, the transformative act of remixing the images to tell an original story can get you a long way for a fair use argument (obligatory “I am not a lawyer”), but a “used with permission” is better.

I'm basically a "take the most efficient usable approach" sort of person.

You could sit here and try to have an abstract third-party debate about the topic despite (AFAIK) none of us being lawyers...

...or since in this case we happen to be in a fandom with creators who make themselves approachable, you could just, like, approach them.

because I'm terrified.

Don't be, they're both super-nice, and the worst that can happen is that they say no. :slight_smile:

P.S. This is not me saying that Adam isn't also nice, just that I haven't had much of an opportunity to talk to him personally yet.

Nah, don't. He's absolutely horrible. I mean, he hangs out with those…  whispers cultists

 I'm totally kidding, of course! 

Yeah, for things like this, feel free to send them a message. If they don't have time to respond, they don't have time, but at least you've tried. 

im kind of more terrified of making a fool of myself

Trust me, Paul is pretty forgiving.

(To deflect the inevitable question: I am basically sometimes not the most eloquent of beings when I am in the middle of a depressed/self-loathing episode.)

Hey, I direct message Christopher about how badly I'm misspelling character/concept names almost every week for my podcast write-ups and he's never been anything but friendly.

My rule of thumb when I'm hestitating on decisions like this is that if I ask I might end up regretting it.  But if I don't ask, I know that I'll end up regretting the might-have-beens.  Reminding myself of this fact makes it much easier to gather my courage.

I've PMd Paul in the past to ask about stuff and it's always been fine - don't worry about it :). I mean, if you're not sure what to say then you can just say "Hey, I wondered if you'd seen this thread...<link to thread> and if that would be okay?". That way you don't need to think up any new things to say :).

Now, if you ever have to deal with me, hold onto your hat. It'll be a wild ride.

for giving me that sentence you have now given me permission to throw you under the bus if things go wrong. Kidding!

Now I just have to work up my courage. Deep breaths X, deep breaths.

In the most recent editor’s note, Christopher and Adam seemed to heartily endorse the idea of any animators out there doing their own Sentinels cartoon…

