Now this was completely an unexpected reveal!
Now I need to start getting everyone to up their pledges...
Now this was completely an unexpected reveal!
Now I need to start getting everyone to up their pledges...
If everyone who has pledged so far adds teh $40.00 for Vengence, we'll only be about $9,000.00 away. Come on yall!
I don't even have words...
I'm just so... shocked.
This needs to happen. NEEDS TO HAPPEN.
Okay, what do we do? How do we do this? Do we all add another $40 right now to our pledges? That will bump up the meter quite a bit.
Ah, someone already beat me. I'd do it if everyone else is doing it.
Dude, they are not my nemeses
what... the...
Mind blowing.
Why oh why does this all have to be right before Christmas!!!
Ok. That's going to cost a bit for people who are helping others with international shipping. Worth it! Pledge upped.
Yeah, here I thought they where letting me off lightly by having me just spend $30... increased to $70.
I'll have to discuss this extra money with some others, but I'm positive I'll be able to bump up my pledge today as well.
The question is, how do we convince people who aren't here on the forums to do the same?
This is a little long, so i apologize in advance. But what I know from this will help me decide how much to pledge I have a few questions about this:
1) If we don't reach $150k will there be another Kickstarter for this? I'm worried that we might not make it.
2) "Vengeance will retail for $29.95." Is it going for $39.99 or $29.99? The EXPANDING ROSTER is for 30$, but the MEGA EXPANSION is for the same amount. Can somone help me clear ym confusion up?
3) I'm a little sad that we won't have special Pledge Levels specifically for Vengence.
4) If there are new mechanics involved, will it come with the appropriate tokens?
I’m fairly sure it will be made either way, but there wouldn’t be a Kickstarter for it (as they said this is the last for SotM).
- “Vengeance will retail for $29.95.” Is it going for $39.99 or $29.99? The EXPANDING ROSTER is for 30$, but the MEGA EXPANSION is for the same amount. Can somone help me clear ym confusion up?
You need to add 40 (30 for the expansion + 10 for shipping it later).
- If there are new mechanics involved, will it come with the appropriate tokens? Thanks!
I would assume it would, as it is a “premium” expansion.
Personally I added 40 to my pledge as I figure it is a copy of Enhanced Edition (I only have 1st edition) if it doesn’t make it to 150K. For people considering being a playtester, it can be the same (playtesting if under 150K, Vengeance if over 150K).
Pledge bumped. whew Getting pretty high, but well worth it. (I'm now keeping a log of everything I've included in it so I can make sure the list it correctly when the Kickstarter is wrapped!)
For those of us buying multiples of everything (in my case, as gifts), I'm assumning we can add $70 for two copies ($30 + $30 + $10 shipping)?
You are 100% correct.
I see everyone's favorites:
Dude, not my nemesis girl.
Lead from the Front's Red Army Man.
Fright Train
And in the background:
The wizard from Nightmist's deck.
Lt. Vyktor.
The brute who fell for decoy projection.
My question is, anybody recognize where the Vengeful Five's white haired goggled girl is from?
@ GuiltTrip
Thanks for the info. That does clear things up alot! I just need to pay $15 extra for S/H.
I think she's the far right character on Promo Wraith's flipside.
I don't recognize the white-haired girl either. But now that I'm somewhere I can see the background of the box art better, whoa, there's a lot of people.
(Did you come up with that name, PCGamerPirate? Because I love it.)
Also, given who we have identified, it looks like Communist Multi-Man is Absolute Zero's nemesis (I mean, it's prettyy clear the front five are `the Freedom Five opponents [Baron Blade->Legacy, FrightTrain->Bunker, Not My Nemesis (ironically) -> Tachyon, Goggle Girl (Catwoman analogue?) -> the Wraith which leaves...)
I don't know if that necessarily makes the Commie Multi-Man his nemesis. But you are right, so I'd see him more as just one of AZ's rivals.
HIPPOCALYPSE better have an Ongoing card called Hippocratic Oath!