Sentinels Slang

My regular gaming group is...well, saying that we're a little offbeat is putting it nicely.  Among our numerous idiosyncracies, we have a tendency to assign slang to different elements of our regular games; SotM, as you might imagine, is no exception.

Our table has included:

  • Omnitron -- "Om nom nom" or "Megaman" (especially when referring to Omnitron X)
  • Chrono-Ranger -- Chrono Trigger (a beloved video game)
  • Team Leader Tachyon -- "Nerf Tachyon" (Implying what most of us believe should happen to this variant...)
  • Cleansing Downpour -- "Chocolate Rain" (from the ubiquitous YouTube video)
  • Realm of Discord -- "Ry'leh" (ia ia!)
  • Whenever a player gives everyone else hit points or cards -- "Hit points?!  I love hit points!"


That's just a small sampling of our usual table talk.  Do you have Sentinels-based slang around your table? 

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"Danger Sense" is "Danger Zone" to us. Then everyone sings.

There's one card in Tempest's deck that we all just call "Talk to Fish"... I don't even remember its real name. 

We always call Fixer's "Overdrive" simply "Punching the Dragon!"

Lol, I've used "Om nom nom" as well, for Omnitron. My usual name for Omnitron-X is Omni-10 (because the X is a 10, after all).

Sometimes I'll refer to characters by their real names - Jim more than anyone, I think, but I'll also use Maia, Paul, Lilian, and others.

Often when dealing one point of damage to something, I'll say "Plink!" (therefore this comes up more often with Tachyon and Jim).

Sometimes when killing Zombies I'll make the zombie death noise from Minecraft.

I'll often refer to a certain card in Ciizen Dawn's deck (of which there are two copies) as "The Card" or "That card".

I also often shorten characters' names - Leggy, Tachy, Gloomy, Blade, Rat, Ab'Zero, etc.

I refer to Turret Mode as "Dakka dakka dakka" or "More dakka". This word also often comes up in relation to Expatriette's guns. On a similar theme, I may use phrases like "BURN THE HERETIC!" when Fanatic uses smite-y powers.

There are probably plenty of others but I can't remember them atm...



Edit - Slow internet means that a bunch of other people have posted replies before mine went through, lol. Anyway, add "Punching the Dragon" to my list of expressions - I'd forgotten that one! Yeah, I call Overdrive that as well :).

From the Google games:

  • Grandpa Legacy - Jerk Legacy (due to the fact that he tend to play more "selfishly" than regular Legacy). This has lead to other promo versions of heroes occasionally being labelled "jerk" too (especially if they're played by Ronway).
  • Healing - hugs. "Legacy gives everyone hugs!" "Argent hugs Tachyon and Fixer."
  • "I hit all the things!" (usually from me, and often modified to, "I hit an appropriate number of things."
  • Die - randomisation device/device of randomisation (used often by those of us who prefer not to actually select our hero).

There are many many more...

Cursed Acolyte - Ronway

Horus Ra - One nippled Ra, Beard Ra

Tempest Sacrifice - Crap Tempest, Sucky Tempest, Dreamer Tempest

Expatriette - Chick Fury

Ra - God of the Fun

Visionary - "A visionary, vision is scary, start a revolution pollutin' the airways" from Eminem's "Without Me" is often rattled off when we select her.

Absolute Zero - Abs, Zero, AZ

Bunker - Bunks

Scholar's "Get out of the Way" is referred to as "Get out da way"

Omnitron-X- O-X, Ox, Omnitronks, Little O

We often refer to characters as "The (Character name)tastic (Character name)" (Haktastic Haka, Wraithtastic Wraith, Bunktastic Bunker, etc.)

Chrono-Ranger - Chrono, "Go Go Chrono Rangers" a la Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers

Cosmic Omnitron - Cosmitron

Omnitron - Big O

NightMist - K-nicht Mist (the Middle English pronunciation of "Knight")

Argent Adept - Double A

Mister Fixer - Zen and The Art of Auto Repair

Plague Rat - Plaque Rat, Plaxor Rat (just because, no real significance)

Cryobot - Crying Bot (because NOBODY LOVES HIM in our group)

Gloomweaver - Gloam-wavver, Glim-Glammer, "Gloomweava!" ala "Dream Weaver"

Apostate - Apasta (delicious!)

Akash'bhuta - AB, Dude Skyghost (based on what we heard of her name's translation on the IR playtesting forum)

Iron Legacy - Iron Legs

La Capitan - I think of the chorus on OPM's "El Capitan"

Kismet - Kizzy Kiz

Megalopolis - Megapopadopolous

Insula Primalis - Dinosaur Island

Wagner Mars Base - We just say it with an exaggerated German accent

Rook City - "Oh God no!"

Realm of Discord - Realm of Disco


A lot of these are just silly phonetics, but I think a few are clever and fun.

Oh yeah, and a weird after-game game which I can't even begin to explain properly lead to Flak Jacket being called "Ghost Boxing". It does honestly make sense...

Oh yeah, another I forgot - Anvil and Hammer are, naturally, Christopher and Adam :).

And naturally, the Raptor Bot is Mr Chomps...but I think most of us probably call him (well, them) that, right? ;)

Overdrive: “If I Don’t Who Will!”
Alternating tiger claw: kaioken
Grease monkey fist: super sayan 4
A quote from dbz tenkaichi (sp) 2. It’s just cool to think of Mr. Fixer as goku!

Oh, boy...

We got BUDDABUDDABUDDABUDDA for Turret Mode, Lemon Cannon for Grace Under Fire, AMNITRAN for Omnitron, Chrono-Trigger, BABY (spoken like Heavy from TF2) Visionary for Dreamer, LA CAPITAN (spoken with a prominent French accent). Alfred Bitchcock for The Matriarch, the general idea of Haka stuffing things into his pants with Savage Mana, singing Surfin' Bird whenever we play the Matriarch, making the Transformers sound effect whenever Unity turns someone else's equipment into a golem (particularly Rocket Punch. That's hilarious!), Haka of Sandvich for Haka of Shielding, Hat Creation Device for Displaced Armory (as well as giving Jim's Hat the ability "All equipment cards now have the HAT keyword."), and a few from Vengeance I can't share.


When we play Sentinels, we REALLY have fun playing Sentinels.

OX, or X for Omnitron X.

"Get in the Suit!"  or "I don't want to put on the hippo suit..."   or some such variant, referring to the original art on the Savage Mana card.

Budda mode for turret mode.


beard-ra for horus of 2 horizons.

Just a few, since we have a lot


"You get a hit point, and you get a hitpoint..." - Omni-X using Innervation Ray

"Haka pulls out his KFC Bucket" - Haka using Savage Mana against The Matriarch

More than one dominion in play - Vast Dominions. Occasionally "Large... tracts of land"

"Ambuscade plays a trap card", and the rare "The heroes activated Ambuscade's trap card!" Also "It's a trap!"

and the Amphibious Chupacabra is a "chupathingy".


 chupathingy... I like it.   Got a ring to it.

haha basically if there is anynthing we can reference, it will be done.

I see what you did there.

This might just be my very most favorite thing ever.


Pulling off a significant amount of damage with cards like Omni-Cannon, Lightspeed Barrage, Haka of Battle, Savage Mana, Wrathful Retribution, Inventory Barrage, Singularity, Self-Sabotage, Unload, etc. are all collectively referred to as "dropping a bomb" on the villain.

Fighting The Chairman or Iron Legacy is referred to as "fighting Shao Khan" because of how we are usually brutally beaten.


We call the Legacies - Papa Legacy (normal), Baby Legacy, and Grandpa Legacy.

Citizen Truth - the a**hole

Citizen Anvil - Christopher

Gene-bound Guard - the jerk

While I think a lot of people use these:

     We always refer to anything with "reduce damage dealt to" as DR (my SotM group was previously a D&D group)

     We refer to anything that deals damage to all targets as AE or villain AE if it only hits villains, etc

Argent Adept - The Bard


That's all I can think of off the top of my head.

Yeah, DR comes up with us a lot too.

I often refer to Unity as Uni, which usually prompts someone to do a very annoying impression of the very annoying character from the old D&D cartoon. This usually prompts threats of violence from me.