My regular gaming group is...well, saying that we're a little offbeat is putting it nicely. Among our numerous idiosyncracies, we have a tendency to assign slang to different elements of our regular games; SotM, as you might imagine, is no exception.
Our table has included:
- Omnitron -- "Om nom nom" or "Megaman" (especially when referring to Omnitron X)
- Chrono-Ranger -- Chrono Trigger (a beloved video game)
- Team Leader Tachyon -- "Nerf Tachyon" (Implying what most of us believe should happen to this variant...)
- Cleansing Downpour -- "Chocolate Rain" (from the ubiquitous YouTube video)
- Realm of Discord -- "Ry'leh" (ia ia!)
- Whenever a player gives everyone else hit points or cards -- "Hit points?! I love hit points!"
That's just a small sampling of our usual table talk. Do you have Sentinels-based slang around your table?