I'm cross posting this cause it is quite probable that many players don't head into the Rules form, not wanting to deal with what can come when passionate gamer geeks start debating what a rule means XD
We have been collecting game results to start building a comprehensive statistics listing on how effective various heroes are, and how deadly villains and environments are - among many other statistics. It is entirely for fun (at least for me! lol) and I am certain with time, many interesting thing's will come of it.
The Project Thread
Check it out Here: https://sentinelsofthemultiverse.com/forum/topic/the-best-heroes-a-statistical-community-effort-2798
Due to increased real life commitments, I haven't been able to keep this updated. We are STILL taking data! Don't stop! Arathorn's version below is less frequently updated, but far more intense in its statistics. Keep putting that data in!
Alternative, awesome view by Arathorn:
http://public.tableausoftware.com/views/Sentinels1/Overview?:embed=y&:display_count=no which
The Form to enter your own games:
to fill out your own games is linked in that thread and also here:
**Please Note, due to the huge number of calculations I have that run of that sheet to make my life easier in updating the Tracking Report, that form can take a while to run through its submit -20-30 seconds is not uncommon. Please be patient and only hit the Submit Button Once.
**Please Note the Second: I have done what I can to fix this - but it still takes 10-15 seconds or so to submit. Please be patient.
**PPlease Note the Third: Now on new Google Sheets, which should be far far far faster.
The Official Monthly Report
Thanks to the hard work of Arathorn, a very comprehensive comparison study is being undertaken with the results. Since I could not continue to handle the work with my Real Life commitments, Arathorn has graciously taken over. He updatest his fairly regularly, and it has GREAT information - Including a page with all the raw data on it! Amazing report, and great information if you trust these sorts of things ;)
Fiew it here: http://public.tableausoftware.com/views/Sentinels1/Overview?:embed=y&:display_count=no
The Naive Bayes Difficultly System
Thanks to the hard work of mkgrey, the stats are being inputed into a naive Bayes Difficulty calculation. This works by a point system - the more points, the harder the game, the less the easier. Of course more data is needed to make this really effective, so like above, keep putting in more games!
Find it here: http://x.gray.org/sentinels-of-the-multiverse-difficulty-scores.html
rkcr took this model and put it into an android randomizer app. See it here: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.idunnolol.sotm&hl=en
Want to see some general data of your Entries? Or Specific Hero/Villain data?
**Please Note: This no longer works. Its going to be back but not for a while.
Want to Comment about the Project?
If you don't mind leaving this thread for the official updates, that be great. Head over to Here to leave comments and suggetions and anything else you want to leave, so we can keep it all in one place (The official thread on the Rules forum) Thanks!
Want old information for Comparison?
Head to this Dropbox to get the information. You can even download the raw data (including all my formulas for sorting out information) if you want to find some specific values yourself that I don't compute! (ie, you want to see how many times The Wraith has played with Legacy and Omnitron X against Baron Blade... you can! I leave it up to you to write your own formulas tho :P)
Over 4000 Entries as of 7/5/2013!
(actually 4138- we're clearly averaging between 600-700 entries a month, or 27.4 perday)
July 2014 - Removed outdated report links, updated Arathorns report to be the Official Report.
July Update - 4138 entries!
June Update - 3489 entries!
May Update Blurb - 2823 entries!
April Update Blurb - 1817 entries!
March Update Blurb - 934 entries!
Take a look! Have some fun! and certainly, put your own games into the tracker for next month!