Short hero descriptions

Ah, the problem there is me. I'm not a comic fan*, and know pretty much nothing beyond the basic basics (i.e. what Batman and Spider-Man and Superman can do). So if I asked that question I'd end up hearing the names of characters I've never even heard of and wouldn't be able to recommend a Sentinels hero anyway! Yeah, I suck. :wink:


  • You're understandably wondering what I'm doing here if I don't like comics. Well, I usually buy the games for my RPG club and it was pointed out that we didn't have a superhero-themed game. I researched, and chose SotM thinking that the guys would like it but it wouldn't be for me. Of course I found out that it's actually awesome and that you don't have to be into the whole superhero thing to love it.

Lol Silverleaf, from the sounds of it your comic book superhero knowledge/interest is about as much as mine. i wouldn't worry about it too much ;).