So I'm trying to make my copy of SotM more "noob-friendly", since I tend to play a lot with people who are relatively new to the game.
I'm finding that they respond to my asking, "Who would you like to play?" with blank stares and shrugs because they either can't remember which hero is which from the names, or they don't know anything about them.
I've started to throw all the character cards on the table one at a time with a brief description of each one and a flavour of how they play, but I still end up fielding a million questions like, "Is he the musician guy?" and "What does Bunker do again?"
So I grabbed a set of radar diagrams from BGG that show vaguely how good each hero is at offence, defence, support, buff/debuff, healing, and deck manipulation, and I'm producing a card for each character which has their radar plus a very short "how they play" description, which I've copied from various sources.
Problem is, I don't have descriptions for The Scholar, Omnitron-X, or Chrono-Ranger. I don't feel that I'd be any good at doing my own since I'm actually a relatively new player myself who has never played Scholar and only played Omni-X I think once or twice, plus I suck at writing.
Now I know many of you guys are awesome at Sentinels and strategy and writing, so does anyone feel like helping me out? The descriptions need to be short, like a couple of sentences, and just give an overview of how you can expect the hero to play.
(I'd give examples of the kind of thing I mean, but since I only edited the descriptions for brevity and didn't actually write them, I don't want to post someone else's work in a public forum. Note that I only intend to print these cards for my own personal use, so I'm not going to upload the file or share it without the permission of everyone involved.)