Background: Tragic
Power Source: Training
Archetype: Wildcard
Personality: Jaded
- Principle of Chaos
- During Roleplaying: You are an unpredictable free spirit. Even towering intellects can’t predict what you will do next.
- Minor Twist: How did you fall in line in order to get something done?
- Major Twist: What has caused you to become predictable and stale?
- Principle of Liberty
- During Roleplaying: You believe strongly in freedom and always side with the oppressed. You can never truly be mentally restrained.
- Minor Twist: How do you become temporarily trapped?
- Major Twist: How have you become a prisoner yourself?
Status Dice & Health Range
Green: — 28-22
Yellow: — 21-11
Red: — 10-1
- Agility
- Gun ‘n’ Sword
- Momentum
- Presence
- RocketBoard
- Vitality
- Close Combat
- Imposing
- Ranged Combat
- Sweet Moves
Green Abilities
- Gritted Focus|R|After rolling your dice pool for the turn, you may take 1 irreducible damage to reroll your entire pool.
|Sick Stunts|A|Boost or Hinder using RocketBoard. Use your Max die. If you roll doubles, you may also Attack using your Mid die.
|Principle of Chaos|A|Overcome a situation in a way that is truly unpredictable and use your Max die. You and each of your allies gain a hero point.
|Principle of Liberty|A|Overcome in a situation where you are restricted or bound and use your Max die. You and each of your allies gain a hero point.
Yellow Abilities
- Back At Ya, Loser!|R|When you are attacked by a nearby enemy, the attacker also takes an equal amount of damage.
|Extreme Overkill|A|Attack using Gun ‘n’ Sword. Use your Mid die to Attack one extra target for each bonus you have. Apply a different bonus to each Attack.
|Wild Spray|A| Attack multiple targets using Gun ‘n’ Sword. If you roll doubles, one nearby ally is also hit with the Attack
Red Abilities
|$&@#%!|A|Attack using Gun ‘n’ Sword and at least one bonus. Use your Max+Mid+Min dice. Destroy all of your bonuses, adding each of them to this Attack first, even if they are exclusive.
|Ultimate Ride|A| Attack up to three nearby targets using RocketBoard. Use your Max+Mid dice against each of them. You cannot use your RocketBoard for the rest of this scene and until it is recovered or repaired.
Out Ability
- Remove a bonus or penalty of your choice.