Sleeving the cards

Although the re-release of the main set with a bigger box to fit all the expansions is awesome. I found that my decision to sleeve all the cards has worked aagainst me in keeping them there. Not a dig or anything. I mean who sits there and sleeves over 600 cards in one sitting? But hindsight you know? Best card game I've ever played and I do mean it.

Anyone else sleeve all their cards? Do you have a box solution? I'm using those super cheap clear sleeves just to keep the cards looking nice through all that shuffling.

Go with Mayday sleeves, size 63.5 X 88.  They will fit in the box.  Your penny sleeved cards should fit fine vertically in the box.  It won't close entirely, but it'll store all of them fine for the time being.

I'm also using penny sleeves.  I'm using them primarily for errata inserts and upgrading my Ver. 1 copy of the basic set to the EE wordings.  I really like the "H" mechanic.

I sleeved my EE, RC, and IR in one sitting in penny sleeves.  Fits fine, if you don't mind stacking the instructions and bagging up the counters on top.  (Box doesn't close all the way)

from the 'New to the Sentinels Forum' sticky postin general


there is a link to another similar topic! :)