So the Lore-sages will figure out what I've done here

(Sadly unlikely to actually get to play this character)

Hero Name: Verity
Alias: Mina Truth
Gender: Female
Age: ??? Looks twenties???
Height: 5’4"
Eyes: Grey
Hair: Glowing Gold
Skin: Opalescent
Build: Slim

Background: Blank Slate
Power Source: The Multiverse
Archetype: Armored
Personality: Nurturing

Health: 34

Status: Green: d6, Yellow: d6, Red: d12

Principle of Amnesia
Principle of the Indestructible


  • Intuition d10
  • Vitality d10
  • Cosmic d8
  • Teleportation d8
  • Intangibility d6
  • Strength d6


  • Close Combat d8
  • Conviction d10
  • Leadership d8
  • Cosmically Maintained d8

Green Abilities:

  • Reality Transferred (I) - Reduce any physical or energy damage you take by 1 while you are in the Green zone, 2 while in the Yellow zone, and 3 while in the Red zone.
  • Cosmic Forwarding (R) - When you would be dealt damage, you may deal damage to a nearby target equal to the amount reduced by your Armored ability.
  • Causality Policy (A) - Attack using Vitality. Defend another target with your Min die.
  • Medical Benefits (A) - Attack using Cosmic. Recover Health equal to your Min die.
  • Principal of Amnesia (A) - Overcome a situation where a completely fresh perspective is useful and use your Max die. You and each of your allies gain a hero point.
  • Principal of the Indestructible (A) - Overcome in a situation where you charge headlong into danger and use your Max die. You and each of your allies gain a hero point.

Yellow Abilities

  • Misfiled Existence (A) - Hinder multiple targets using Teleportation. Use your Mid die for one and your Min die for the rest.
  • Crisis Management (A) - Boost yourself using Intuition. Use your Max die. That bonus is persistent and exclusive. Then, Attack using your Min die.

Red Abilities

  • Cosmic Phoenix (I) - Once per issue, if you would go to 0 Health, roll Cosmic + Conviction + Red zone die. Your Health becomes that number.
  • Scheduled Serendipity (A) - Boost using your Conviction and use your Max die. Defend against all Attacks against you using your Mid die until your next turn. Note your Min die result, as a Reaction, until your next turn, you may Hinder an attacker using that result.

Out Ability: Boost an ally by rolling your single Conviction die.

The last thing she remembered was sitting behind a desk and saying hello to… somebody. Then there’s something like a flicker? Certainly a result of her missing memories. Lost time. It was the only thing that made sense. Otherwise, there was no time between her pleasantly saying hello to someone and then being impaled on a girder while battle waged around her. In the last moments of her life, she couldn’t understand how she could possibly be dead… had denied it right up until things went black.

Then she awoke, only fragments of memory in what she quickly realized was in a morgue of some sort and managed to find clothes to cover herself. She found a fragment of a report on a clipboard near where she was lying. The handwriting was barely legible in places, but there was a lot of water damage. Her given name was… Mina, maybe, and the surname was a T, that was certain. There was an age, but a look in the mirror made her question whether it was even her file. She didn’t look that old… but then… she felt like it was accurate?

She would eventually call herself “Mina Truth”, ridiculous, but it spoke to her hope to find the truth one day.

In the course of getting out, she encountered other bodies set out for examination and dressed in their costumes. She realized she knew them… but then… everybody knew them. Legacy, Tachyon, the Wraith, Bunker… and Absolute Zero’s shattered power armor. Shock at the death of such heroes and confusion trying to consider her own weird sense of familiarity with them… a deeply personal loss that didn’t make sense with her blank memories. Had show known them? Maybe it was parasocial? She stumbled out into the city.

Over the course of the next few months things only got worse. The city started with a sort of normalcy, save the mourning people were doing for lost heroes. It was in the papers, but she never could bring herself to read just what enemy had killed them.

And then an alliance of Baron Blade and the Citizens of the Sun brought down an attack on the world that the other heroes were unprepared for.

Cities were devastated and the surviving heroes were forced into hiding. She discovered her powers as she was “killed” and cosmically reformed more than once, her body progressively changing each time, until she stabilized in her current form. Only her grey eyes remaining the same.

She eventually realized that this is what happened the first time, only whatever power this was hadn’t been complete yet and she only reformed slowly. But now it had changed her body to something that could be readily recovered. First her body had become younger and maybe her nervous system had changed… but slowly the changes spread through her body.

She took on the hero name “Verity”. Might as well lean into the ridiculousness.

Mina encountered some other empowered people trying to talk about a striking back or at least creating a safe place for bystanders to hide. She had to learn the fighting part, but she seemed to have a knack for efficient organization of people. It looked like they could settle into a resistance.

Then Blade and the Citizens betrayed one another.

In the midst of that conflict, Gloomweaver’s cult summoned him forth as Akash’bhuta rose up. The Earth became progressively devastated.

Then the portals came and led her group of bystanders and other surviving heroes through… in time to take part in OblivAeon’s assault.

In the wake, things have finally calmed down for the group of displaced people. They can’t go back to their own world, but they strongly suspect there’s not much left of it to go back too. So, they’re looking for ways to fit in in the new world. Pitch in as it were.

In the course of many interviews, she found herself speaking to an old man in a bathrobe, t-shirt, surfer shorts, and flip-flops. He was vaguely familiar to her, but eventually they got to the topic of the mystery of her powers. He hmmed at her inquisitively, adjusted his glasses, examined her for a few moments and commented that her mind and body did not seem to be from the reality and the cosmos was trying to figure out what to do about it. He went on to say that her mind resonated with the universe she was currently in.

Verity blinked and realized that she had, against all odds, come to find herself closer to the truth.


Took me a minute. Well played.

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Thanks, I view that particular bit of an origin story unmitigated nightmare fuel and existential dread and have been wondering about the other’s fate for a while.


IIRC they’ve insisted that the main universe’s Twain just swapped into Miss information’s body and died, with no chain of displacements to other Twains throughout the Multiverse or other effects, but that’s really boring and easily ignored in your own sandbox.


In canon original Aminia is just gone for real, but I could picture Varity being a popular fan web comic in the meta-verse giving her a better ending.