Solo playable?

One benefit of SOTM is that despite not advertised the game translate pretty well into a solo play game also.

Wonder if this is the same with GSF? It's just the description sort of implies trying to accomplish a lot at the same time, so it seems theres less of a concrete turn structure compared to SOTM's concrete wording and turn orders.

Thoughts on it people?

The impression I got from the write-up was that it was a phase-based round structure. So like everybody does movement, then everybody does combat, and so on. If you've played Arkham Horror or the Lord of the Rings LCG that's kind of what I'm envisioning. This is me extrapolating from the tiny bit of data we have so far, so apply salt as needed.

FWIW, I find those sorts of structures somewhat harder to handle solo when controlling multiple players' worth of stuff because your planning for each player is interrupted by planning for other players. Not impossible, mind you, just harder.

All I feel comfortable saying is that it will almost certainly be possible to play solo. The structures that Cosmonaut Zero mention, which relate to the complexity of playing solo, may not actually even be set in stone yet -- they have changed significantly once already during playtesting.

I've played it a few times solo at this point. Comparing it to playing as SotM solo it is a little more difficult. I would probably say it's similar to playing a game using Argent Adept and three other heroes, while going against the Chairman in Realm of Discord.


This is not a difficulty of play it is a difficulty of how to keep up with things, as Argent Adept can do a lot of things on his own, which becomes a pain to keep up with. The Chairman has all sorts of stuff you have to remember while playing, and even the Realm of Discord has effects that if you do something something else also happens.


In other words yes it's perfectly capable of playing solo and still functions normally.

Thanks for all your feedback.

That definitely sounds interesting. Since I am still missing a space board game. Hopefully this wouldn't take up as much space as SOTM ><


Edit: Guess my original concern it sounded like a heavily reaction time game like Space Cadet on first read.



This game actually takes up MORE space than Sentinels. Like, a LOT.

Something tells me there might be more space in the space game. I mean, we got what, Wagner Mars Base in SotM? ;P

Hopefully there will be another app for that....?



It would be good if there were ways to minimize fiddliocity of the game, as I do like playing at least some games of co-of games solo


But who knows? I'm still excited!

I take it this game is going to come with a lot of tokens then. Stuff like start of turn action, +1 damage, your ship is on fire, etc, etc.

Any more thoughts from playtesters on how well this game can solo?  I ask because in my current situation I will have to play more solo than group games for the next 1.5 years (and no I am not going to prison). 


You can absolutely play this game solo.

This game has been designed from the ground up as a 1-6 player game, so solo play will be much easier than for SotM.

Hooray! Off I go to back it!

When you say 1-6, do you mean that 1 player will have to control two or more Strike Force Ships, or that the game can be played with only one Strike Force ship on the board?

The game can be played by one player with 2 strike force ships. I mis-spoke earlier when I said that it was playable with only 1 strike force ship.


Nice its at accomodates 2 people instead of SOTM where each player plays 2 could be sometimes confusing when trying to teach a new player.

I play most of my solo games with only 2 ships.