Hi everyone,
actually I don't want to write here, because my English lessons are long, long ago. Unfortunately, there's no German forum for SotM, so I'm sorry if your eyes start bleeding and head starts pounding while reading my posts. Or to say it in SotM terms: At the start of reading this post deal yourself 2 psychic damage, at the end of your turn, deal the writer 2 melee damage. ;-)
I got some questions concerning damage, immunity and triggering effects. I already read here that dealing damage means, that HPs are actually reduced. So these are my questions:
1. If Nightmist uses her Investigation power, and the infernal damage could be completely avoided by reducing to 0, redirecting or being immune to damage, would she nevertheless draw 2 cards? I play it, that she doesn't, because it seems to me, that the two effects are linked. Similiar problem with Fanatics Emboldered (?), the card where another hero gets a second power in his turn.
2. Concerning Ra and the combo Flesh of the Sun God, Imbued Fire and Solar Flare: because of the same argumentation I played it, that Solar Flare would automatically be destroyed. Then I recently discovered another point why it possibly cannot work:
Imbued fire says "Change the damage type of damage dealt by hero targets to fire."
Flesh of the Sun God says "Ra is immune to fire damage."
So far, so good. Now Solar Flare: "At the end of your turn, either Ra deals himself 4 psychic damage or the card ist destroyed." Ra can only deal fire damage because of Imbued Fire. But the damage type on Solar Flare is not affected, correct? So he cannot deal the demanded damage and Solar Flare will be destroyed.
So, I would be very glad if someone could help me with some clarifications, perhaps I'm absolutely wrong. :-)
In any case I love this game, it fullfills some of my childhood dreams. Love the flavour, the heroes, the universe. Hate the circumstance, that it's a pain in the ass, to get the hands on the game in Germany because I won't pay the shipping costs. So let's see, when I will be able to try out Shattered Timelines. *sigh*