I finally got to sit down and play Shattered Timelines yesterday with Vyolence and a few others. Our first game was Omnitron X, Chrono Ranger (Vyolence), Team Leader Tachyon, and Scholar (me) against the dreaded Dreamer in the Time Cataclysm. Things started out ok, the Whipicorn, Toy Maker, Dark Hero and the giant spider. OX let Scholar play the top card of his deck, which dealt damage equal to the number of villain targets (5 projections plus Dreamer) so the Dark Hero disappeared, which allowed CRanger to doll out damage to the projections. Tach was limited due to not wanting to damage the Dreamer, but things weren't too bad. Until the Dreamer woke up. At that point, she was wailing on everyone for 3 damage and play two extra cards. Scholar did pretty well to build up with a turn of two "Keep It Moving" (find and play an Element, then play another card) followed by the one that lets players put the top card of their deck into play, which let him flip "Get Out of the Way" (1 dmg to all non-hero targets, heal scholar that much), which let him wipe the board due to the Energy Element out. Which placed two projections under Dreamer, six more to go. Then the Dreamer played more stuff and Omnitron died to the enviornment, then Chrono Ranger to Dreamer's 3 damage, and TLTach to a projection.
Dun dun duuuuunn!
Scholar liked playing extra cards, playing another of the top cards of his deck on OX's turn, which found him the last "Keep It Moving", which let him play the gain two draw two out of his hand as well. On Chrono Ranger's turn, Scholar killed a projection with the damage equal to targets. On TLTach's turn, Scholar drew five cards and ended the turn... then he discarded three cards on his turn to keep his elements, and Prepared for the Worst (reduce all damage to 0 and heal 2 at start of turn). Dreamer was angry and threw another four projections into play and they all tried to pound on Scholar, but he was prepared. Now the Scholar was ready to be done, on O-X's turn, he dealt damage equal to targets and killed a projection. On Chrono Ranger's turn, he did two and then prevented any damage (which killed another projection (Skeleton thing) and then he healed himself and destroyed another projection on TLT's turn. On his turn, he was no longer Prepared and gained three, did three and ransacked the last projection. Then he ended his turn, and Dreamer was saved.
So we did another game, this time with Argent Adept, Freedom Tempest (Vyolence) and Omnitron X (me) against La Capitan in Silver Glutch (because pirate ships frequent the desert so often). The description of this game is best described in this quote:
"Oh look, a robot with a lot of guns and lasers. WHO'S PLAYING THAT MUSIC?! GET HIM!! That thing has one arm! KILL IT!! Look, it's that robot again, I wonder what it's doing with those lasers."
Omnitron X never took more than 5 damage in the same turn, it just got ignored most of the time. Tempest began the game by playing Cleansing Downpour and was on healing duty most of the game. Adept took most of the time to just allow other heroes to play cards and healing himself. Omnitron X played component after component, with recycling Resets many times. The only crew members to stay on the field for more than just one turn were the initial ones that were gained, which made most of the cards La Capitan do little to nothing. The environment played the Explosive Wagon (which made all of Omnitron X's attacks better), followed by the Sheriff (who kept shoting La Capitan and her ship). The game ended with Omnitron X at full hp, Adept at full HP and Tempest at 6 hp.
Sometimes things just go your way during a game.