I'm curious as to how people sort their cards within their boxes/storage solutions. We know one of the >G crew sort theirs alphabetically by set, whereas I prefer mine just alphabetically (heroes, villains and environments split up, naturally). If you do alphabetise, where do you put 'The' decks, with the Ts or elsewhere? And where do you put La Capitan?
I'm not too fancy... I'm using the Delux box so on one side I have all Villains and Enviroments, on the other side all heroes. Nothing is in a specific order but they are more or less clumped together by expansion.
Me too, I keep each type of deck with its brothers in the box so they're easy to find when I'm putting together a game, but no specific order within that. But I've got all of my decks in their own boxes. I think if I had loose cards separated by dividers, I'd probably have a more organized system.
I use alphabetical.
I alphabetize the "the" cards by the second word so The Wraith is alphabetized at W. Won't have Shattered Timelines until next week but I plan to sort La Capitan by L since Spanish is not the game's native language. Also, i seperate heroes, villains and environments.
Well, environments, villains, heroes. within each of those they are sorted by complexity/difficulty. and within each of those subgroups it is alphabetical. by having a sorting that shows complexity, when i show the game to someone new i can more easily point out which might be better for a first time playing or which may take a little while to catch on to, depending on the attention span of the person who i'm about to play with.
I have the heroes on the left of the box and the villains and environments on the right. They're alphabetical (ignoring the word "the") and arranged by expansion - so core stuff, then Rook City, then Infernal Relics, then Shattered Timelines, then extra promotional stuff (eg Unity, Miss Information). I put La Capitan under "C" because I figure "La" is Spanish for "the" so if I'm ignoring "the" then I should ignore "la" :).
I have heroes on the left, villains and environments on the right. They are sorted by complexity > expansion > alphabetically. Makes it easier when showing new players. These guys in front are the easiest to understand, the ones in the back a little more complicated.
Mine are in a box I got from a newegg order. All of mine are in sleeves. Most of them are in the boxes that dragon shields sleeves come with, the rest are in ultra pro boxes. Heroes get their own box, Villians go two to a box, Environs go four to a box. For the ultra pro boxes hold 1 hero, 2 villians and 2 environs per box. Its fairly chaotic.
i too am a by expansion guy, and alpha within each
tho im considering re organizing by difficulty/compelxity
This is also my organizational system. I have it in a large equipment box (Harbor Freight), with the middle section for hp indicators. The oversized villian cards are in a top compartment normally sorted by difficulty.
I have mine organized by expansion, and further organized by team.
So, we have Legacy, Tachyon, Wraith, Bunker, Absolute Zero, Unity, and Tempest, followed by Fanatic, Ra, Visionary, Haka, Scholar. Then Fixer, Expat, Argent Adept, NightMist, Chrono, and Omnitronks.
Then I have all the villains organized by nemeses. Blade, Matriarch, Spite, Voss, Iron Legacy, Apostate, Ennead, Dreamer, Ambuscade, Chairman, Dawn, Akash'Bhuta, GloomWeaver, Plague Rat, Omnitron, and the villains without nemeses in alphabetical order. La Capitan, Kismet, Miss Information.
Also, I have a gigantic superbox that I have all the cards in, as well as the giant cards, rulebooks, dice, tokens, and extra cards that will eventually be used for Vengeance playtesting.
Also, all the cards are sleeved and I also have my BattleCon cards in it as well.
I have villains sorted by expansion and then difficulty within those expansions, leaving the bonus villains at the bottom. In front of them is the environments by expansion.
Heroes are also by expansion, with the Freedom Five at the top, and then all the rest, Unity at the bottom. Though technically all the decks can fit, I don't like how perfectly squeezed the heroes would be, making it near impossible to pull them out, so I put the two foam blocks and Scholar's deck in the ST box. He gets a box all to himself! Not that he's my favorite or anything. But even still, we're pressed for space. Can't wait until Vengeance since it will give us much better storage space. But since I'm assuming it will be just as tall as the EE, it'll be a big load to carry it all around.
Worth it.
And I keep the oversized cards in a separate bag.
I order by alphabetical order of their alter ego name (not really, but it'd be cool)
Exactly my method as well.