<Best Forum Activity 2014 Award Winner>
For this event, you are going to create a team of 5 heroes, as well as a reserve of 10 ten heroes. I will create random matches for your team to go up against. If a hero falls, one in reserve will take its place. However, there isn't a general reserve, but each reserved hero needs to be assigned to one of the starting heroes in order. So, let's say I start with the F5, and I want Chrono-Ranger as a reserve, so I put him behind Bunker. Now, if Bunker is ever incapped, Chrono-Ranger takes his place. Think carefully about what role each hero fills, and who should replace them if they fall.
*The event will go until one team is left standing.
*If the heroes lose a game, all heroes are incapped, regardless of how they lost.
*If you lose, do not replay the round, simply move on to the next round.
*You need to put the reserved heroes in order. So, you might have something like this Bunker -> Chrono-Ranger -> Expat.
*Each starting hero needs to heroes in reserve, for a total of 15 heroes.
*If one column is completely incapped, you can still play, but you will have to field one less hero, regardless of how many other heroes are in reserve.
*If you can only field 2 heroes, you are out of the event, regardless of how many heroes are left in reserved.
*I will randomize all matches, and all teams will play the same villain/environment combo in the same order. Until I get confirmation that most EU has recieved thier pre-orders, WCos, will not be part of the random games, but the heroes can be picked (if you have them).
*I will post the first game in a few days, after some teams have been picked.
*The first 5 games will be on normal, after that the games will be on advance.
*No promo heroes can be used.
*You do not have to use the same hero order from game to game.
*You get one "redo", where you can reply a match, but you need to accept the second result.
Here is the form to submit your team. Please feel free to post it here as well.
Here is the form to submit your games. Please feel free to post it here as well.
Here is the list of teams and who you need to face each round. If you redo the game, only submit the second game’s results, and select that you used your redo. Remember, the first five games are normal, after that, everything is advance.
You can still submit a team and join the fun, hust fill out the team form, and start playing.