SotM Event #16: SotM Depth Chart <Best Forum Activity 2014 Award Winner>

<Best Forum Activity 2014 Award Winner>

For this event, you are going to create a team of 5 heroes, as well as a reserve of 10 ten heroes. I will create random matches for your team to go up against. If a hero falls, one in reserve will take its place. However, there isn't a general reserve, but each reserved hero needs to be assigned to one of the starting heroes in order. So, let's say I start with the F5, and I want Chrono-Ranger as a reserve, so I put him behind Bunker. Now, if Bunker is ever incapped, Chrono-Ranger takes his place. Think carefully about what role each hero fills, and who should replace them if they fall.

*The event will go until one team is left standing.

*If the heroes lose a game, all heroes are incapped, regardless of how they lost.

*If you lose, do not replay the round, simply move on to the next round.

*You need to put the reserved heroes in order. So, you might have something like this Bunker -> Chrono-Ranger -> Expat.

*Each starting hero needs to heroes in reserve, for a total of 15 heroes.

*If one column is completely incapped, you can still play, but you will have to field one less hero, regardless of how many other heroes are in reserve.

*If you can only field 2 heroes, you are out of the event, regardless of how many heroes are left in reserved.

*I will randomize all matches, and all teams will play the same villain/environment combo in the same order. Until I get confirmation that most EU has recieved thier pre-orders, WCos, will not be part of the random games, but the heroes can be picked (if you have them).

*I will post the first game in a few days, after some teams have been picked.

*The first 5 games will be on normal, after that the games will be on advance.

*No promo heroes can be used.

*You do not have to use the same hero order from game to game.

*You get one "redo", where you can reply a match, but you need to accept the second result.


Here is the form to submit your team. Please feel free to post it here as well.

Here is the form to submit your games. Please feel free to post it here as well.

Here is the list of teams and who you need to face each round. If you redo the game, only submit the second game’s results, and select that you used your redo. Remember, the first five games are normal, after that, everything is advance.


You can still submit a team and join the fun, hust fill out the team form, and start playing.

Oooh, neat idea!

I took my 4-hero team from event #14 and added in Tempest.  If promo characters were allowed, I'd have used Prime Warden Tempest and kept Rook City Wraith, but as it stands, my first string is Legacy, Parse, Wraith, Tempest, Scholar.  Pretty straightforward all-around amazingness, so I will be sad when that lineup changes due to injury.

Legacy is taking point primarily for damage boosts.  Anything else that he can do could be done from anywhere else in the turn order, but for the idea of boosting the entire group's damage I went with Chrono-Ranger as the primary backup and Ra as the secondary.

Parse is the primary manipulator, so Visionary is her backup.  After that I went with Sky-Scraper - not necessarily for directly affecting the opposition decks, but for the ability to wreak havoc with links as was demonstrated to me in a recent PBF game.

Wraith is just plain uber, but this slot was intended mainly for damage so Haka and then K.N.Y.F.E. are lined up behind her.

Tempest has ridiculously good capabilities overall, but I wanted the backups focused on support so Argent Adept and then the Sentinels landed here.

The Scholar isn't just a damage sponge, but that's where I usually try to start off with him.  Same thing for the Naturalist.  NightMist isn't in the same boat but ended up here anyway.


There are some heroes here that I don't play very often.  There are some that I really like that aren't in these lineups.  If I were building three distinct teams that would succeed each other once the prior team could no longer field at least 3 heroes, I would definitely change things up.  I'm excited to see how this plays out!

Can you post the various teams, once submissions have ended?


Look. I know your new status as a mod is exciting and all, but flaunting knowledge that there are going to be 105 heroes is just not cool man.

So play and show me up.

Team already submitted man, just waiting for you to do your thing so we can truly prove how bad I am at this game.

Hello. Relative newbie here. I'm a longtime lurker but rare poster.

But this idea sounds fun and innovative, and I may be interested in joining, if you don't mind a newbie that is (which I'm sure you don't), but I did have a few questions before deciding:


1. After the villain and environment are selected, is this just a play-on-your-own type situation and report the results here? Or is this some type of PBF or Hangout thing?

2. Is there a time frame when you have to play each game by? Love playing Sentinels but I know sometimes things can get busy (as I'm sure is true for anybody), so I may not be able to play a game right away, but it probably wouldn't be too long before I'd get to it. But I wouldn't want to hold everyone up either.

3. Will Vengeance villains be used? I guess it could work the first couple of games, but as the teams start having a different number of heroes, it might be trickier.

4. How long do we have to come up with our teams (do you have a specific deadline in mind)? If I'm going to play, I'd like to consult with my wife to come up with our heroes/reserves. But, again, don't want to hold things up too much.

5. No promo heroes ... are you kidding me? (Just to be perfectly clear, this last one is a joke ... it sounds like a perfectly fine rule... but my wife's going to be mad at me if she can't use Beacon or Super Scientific Tachyon ;) ).


Anyway, great idea! Look forward to possibly playing. And, if I can't/don't participate, I'm sure I'll enjoy just watching the results. Thanks! :)

I don't mind a newbie, and POST MORE!

You can play them anyway way you want. They can be by yourself and report the resutls, or in a hangout game (lots of great people there), or even a PBF game (great people there too). As long as you are playing, I don't care how.

No time frame at all. The score of your team will be based on how many rounds you can go. If that takes 2 days, great, 2 months, also great.

No, for reason you mentioned, I should have mentioned this above, sorry.

I am going to post the first three games in white text tomorrow night. This way people can get started, and if you need more time to come up with your team, you cannot look (honor system here folks). The teams up unitl then will be released to, just don't look at the sheet until you submit your team.

Thanks for all your answers and the welcoming, and I'm in. :)

Team has been officially submitted. Some difficult decisions had to be made, but I still think it's a good team, and I'm quite interested to see how it all plays out.

Here's my team and the reserves:

Legacy >> Haka >> The Naturalist

Visionary >> The Wraith >> Parse

Argent Adept >> Omnitron X >> Capt. Cosmic

Tempest >> Tachyon >> Unity

KNYFE >> Ra >> Expatriette

Good luck, everyone!



Question: Can we change hero turn order if we are so inclined between games?


This looks like fun! Another great idea, Pydro. 

Here's my teams, assigned to the (very rough) roles that I wanted filled by at least one team member in any given game:


  1. Tempest
  2. Argent Adept
  3. The Sentinels


  1. Wraith
  2. KNYFE
  3. Nighmist


  1. Visionary
  2. Parse
  3. Sky-Scraper

Damage Mitigation:

  1. Naturalist
  2. Scholar
  3. Omnitron-X

Team Support/Damage/Misc.:

  1. Legacy
  2. Ra
  3. Chrono-Ranger

I randomized everything, just incase us at G+ want to join in the fun.


Unity, NightMist, Haka

Absolute Zero, Parse, The Naturalist

Legacy, Sky-Scraper, Mr. Fixer

The Sentinels, The Wraith, The Visionary

KNYFE, Tachyon, The Scholar

Hi all,

I've lurked on the forums for a while now, and even participated in a couple of other events, but this one seems like worlds of fun, so I figured I'd make my first post here.  My team and reserves are as follows, then:


Visionary–>Argent Adept–>Parse




I tried to keep some sort of a "role" thing going on, but by the third string, I tried to add reliable damage to most slots.  With Setback as the game-changing wildcard, hopefully.  :stuck_out_tongue:   I look forward to the event.

Alright, I got my team put together.

The actuator
Legacy->Argent Adept-->Scholar

The big meaty beats
Wraith(As she is too good to pass up)->Haka-->Ra

The manipulator
Parse -> Visionary--Tachyon(Card draw and stopping damage)

The multitasker
Omni-tron X -> Naturalist ->Captain Cosmic

The AoE/Utility
The Sentinels->Tempest->Sky-Scraper

Shame I had to pass up some of my favorite heroes(Fixer, Setback, Unity) but I figured reliability was more important.

I also figure this will rapidly become harder as I lose the first couple heroes, but eh, you do what you do.

Here is the form to submit your games. Please feel free to post it here as well.

Here is the list of teams and who you need to face each round. If you redo the game, only submit the second game's results, and select that you used your redo. Remember, the first five games are normal, after that, everything is advance.


You can still submit a team and join the fun, hust fill out the team form, and start playing.

So I assume the redo thing is that if everything goes terribly wrong in a game, we get one mulligan? Just making sure because you didn't mention it earlier.

Yes. Wow, I really thought I mentioned it, ok mentioning it now.

So, right now there are 14 teams. I have to say, it has been quite enjoyable looking at all the various teams and reserve heroes, I am glad I can finally share those. Good luck, everyone!