When a card say to add # to a ship in the same sector, could you add to yourself?
i think that it is a yes, but it sound very awkward and not entirely satisfying to consider that you occupy the same sector than yourself. I am not leaving in the same house than me, I am living in my house.
Also, some cards abuse of the notion of "this ship", after the second or third it become blurry about what ship is considered. You really should have used the notion of target or at least specify the ship that play the cards, the ship that is moved by the card or the ship that is engaged by the ship playing the card.
If it says a ship in this Sector, it means: your own ship, another SF ship, or an Opp ship. (Hasty Voyage and Zarichi's Feint can both be used on any ships in the Sector). Keller Upgrade Unit can be used on your own ship, because it doesn't specify that you can't.
If it is meant to only target an Opp ship, it will say so.
It it is meant to not target yourself, it will say so (See Bas or Conclave).
Keller upgrade was the one I was thinking about targeting yourself with."One ship in the same sector as this Ship may gain". For me, the use of the comparative "the same sector as" could be understand as "another ship in the same sector" because you never refer to your ship as being in the same sector as your ship, you don't use comparative to yourself. A more correct/less ambiguous phrasing would have been "Your ship or any other ship in the same sector may gain #".
About the This ship comment, comparing various other cards it seems that This ship always refer to the ship the boost or tech pertain while That ship refer to the ship the boost or tech is used against. Perhaps something to clearly state in the rules or glossary. Look at Ordnance Replicator, wich ship should gain offense ? The one that got the tech or the one with an offense upgrade tech installed on? The thing is that some cards like Internodal Escape refer to a more restrictive Your ship, while actually Your Ship and This Ship seems to refer to the same thing, ie Your Ship = This ship.