i dont know how easy it would be to do, but Max HP limits would be a bad idea - I mean you should be having a character card in front of you while playing but it may not be obvious at first glance.
The only way I can make sense of that comment is to turn "would" into "wouldn't". Do you mean to say that it would be a good idea to make it so you can't raise a target's hp above its maximum?
teach me for posting after a 12 hour work day from my phone yes that’s exactly what I ment
Got it. I'll add that to the to-do list, although for the moment I'll be focusing on feedback from people who have actually used the tool before I'll be adding possibly helpful new features to it.
Hey gang,
I'm a first time app developer. For my first app, I decided to create a basic SotM information app. The app has a separate page for each of the characters/environment/villains in the game along with their artwork and profile as provided from the SotM web site. Think of it as a SotM wikipedia.
I have a question regarding the legal issues with apps as I've used the artwork and text from the main web site. I don't plan on charging for the app, I just want to get it out so I can see how it works on different platforms and can start getting feedback for what people like for future app creation.
So does anyone know what type of approval i need before releasing the app? I've heard that if i make the app free and give a mention to my sources (like "all images and information take from www.sentinelsofthemultiverse.com )that there won't be any future issues. Is this correct? I'm not trying to make any money for this. I just wanna enhance my app creation knowledge and perhaps introduce more people to the great game that is Sotm!!
I am by no means an expert. I am also by no means a representative of Greater Than Games in this area.
Having said that, my intuition is that if you were charging for the app, it would be a clear violoation of copyright to use the images, and the fact that you are not charging puts you at best into a gray area.
I recommend contacting them and asking permission. Whether or not you _need_ their permission is perhaps debatable. It is certainly, in my opinion, however, the nice thing to do.
Sounds like sound advice. Thanks!!!