Not sure if this is an achievement or not, but duiring a game demo (as teh one who knew what he was doing) I used Team Leader Tachyon to kill Spite without him flipping. The guy running the demo said that doing htat was an achievemtn but I have yet ot find it on the pdf. So, is it an achievement?
Achievements haven't officialy been updated since the core edition.
They should fix that. Becuae I felt really awesome about rapid punching Spite and that should totally be an achievement.
he may have also meant it in a "wow, good job, that took a lot of skill/luck" way rather than meaning it was an actual "achievement on the sheet" type thing.
but in any case, yeah, that is quite a feat that you accomplished there. :)
I've seen Spite defeated before flipping before, but yeah, it is extremely hard to do, and so even if there is no official achievement, there is no reason for you not to consider it as one.
I Think he ment both. Th efunny part is that I was trying to convince Wraith's player that I could finish him off if he went all out on him and the Demo guy was convinced I couldn't.
Three Lightspeed barrages at 14 is a good place to start.
But in all seriousness I couldn't have done it without my two teamates. Wraith was pounding on him with Razor and Stun bolts. And Nightmist was…well not dying is what Nightmist did a lot. BUT NIGHTMIST HELPED.