Is it every time he deals damage to each person, he regains health? I feel that is..crazy
That is exactly what he does on his start side. Which is insanely crazy, which is why there are really only 2 methods of defeating him. The first one is to just rush in and deal as much damage as fast as possible, which is a very hard one to do. The other is to wait until he gets his drugs out so that way when he flips he will no longer heal.
lol, sorry I always have so many questions, but say, for example, you draw an environment card that says AT THE START OF THE ENVIRONMENT TURN, DO you do it right away, or wait until the next Environment turn
It will activate at the start of the next environment turn, if it is still around by then.
The Environment turn has 3 steps to it:
- Start of the Environment Turn
- Play an Environment Card
- End of the Environment Turn
Since the playing of the environment card is after the start of the enviroment turn none of the start of environment turn effects on the played card would be able to trigger this time around.
Given the sequence "Start of the Environment Turn," "Play an Environment Card," "End of the Environment Turn," assuming that you played the environment card as normally during it's turn, you will have already passed the start of the environment turn. The effect will not occur until the next upcoming "Start of the Environment Turn." Had it been played as the effect of another "at the start of the environment turn" effect, then it would still be the start of the environment turn and would act immediately.
On the back of the rule book it explains the round, turns of the round, and phases of the turns, if you need the reference.
An alternative, with Spite, with regards to avoiding his lifetap is to nerf his damage through, for example, multiple Stun Bolts. This way he keeps hitting people for zero damage (after reduction) and therefore can't regain anything. For this reason I'm fond of the Wraith when fighting him (she's pretty good in any fight, though), though usually she ends up taking more damage due to the Nemesis bonus.