Okay, I'm a fiend for spoilers. I'm the guy who reads the MoviePooper site before going to the theater. My wife hated when I accidentally spoiled DC's "52" storyline for her, and I was almost on the couch for a week.
I'm buying ST regardless. I figure I'll wait a week or two till the Kickstarter craziness dies down, then put in my order. Till then, I'm dying to know about the awesome.
So, if you please: spoil me. Spoil me rotten. What's awesome about each deck? Equipment? Neat one-offs? How do they play? What looks lethal? Give me all the gory details!
Iron Legacy is a "campaigning villain", meaning that every time you play against him, your actions in the current game carry forward into the next time you play him. He comes with a set of envelopes that are opened at key points based on certain card plays. Those envelopes include instructions that can not only change Iron Legacy's deck permanently, but can potentially change other decks permanently.
Just kidding: http://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/105134/risk-legacy
The most surprising new deck to me is Silver Gulch. It is the first environment deck to have setup text, which involves revealing Role cards until there is a role card for each of the heroes and the villain. These role cards give secondary objectives. If the heros can meet all of their secondary objectives they win the game, but if the villain meets his/her secondary objective, then the heroes can't win the game that way.
You didn't believe that, did you? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bang!
I already ordered my copy on GTG website but i know it will still be a few weeks before they ship it since they still have alot of kickstarter rewards to ship out( it stinks i didnt know about this game back then). Anyway I'm most interested in any new gameplay mechanics in the Heros. Both AA and nightmist had neat mechanics we hadn't seen do any of the 3 new heroes play uniquely?
Chrono-Ranger has a neat "Bounty" subtheme that gives him bonuses when attacking and/or defeating certain targets. He only has like six of these cards in his deck, but has ways to fetch them both from his deck and from his trash. Also, just about every one of his one-shots includes a rider that pings something for 1 damage, which adds up fast even without buffs.
My only play of Omnitron-X so far was hampered by both poor draws and then not being the recipient of damage (it makes sense in context). He's all bout his Plates (like Fixer's tools, he can only have one in play but can swap them) and Components. He does very much capture the flavor of a hero version of Omnitron, though (and the reverse is also true of Iron Legacy).
The Scholar, on the other hand, is the tankiest tank who ever tanked. He is all about drawing cards and regaining HP. He has some offense (including "Know When to Cut Loose", which is similar to Haka of Battle or Tachyon's big burst move) but if your enemies like to pick on the healthiest hero it will be very hard for them to do much with him around.
Omnitron-X is able to deal damage, play a few cards, and even heal everyone while skipping his play and power phase to draw an additional card for your draw phase! Though if he were to take 5 or more damage in a single turn, all those lovely components will be wiped away to never be heard from again! Until of course he plays Reset, which rechuffles his trash into his deck so he can redraw everything he has lost thus far. But with a plating in play, he'll be reducing so much damage that it's not too likely you'll take 5 damage in a turn.
Yeah but I never drew the right platings for the damage Miss Information was throwing at us. Until I did, and then they got destroyed by whatever. It was really awkward.
The 2 irreducible fire damage component did some work once we flipped her, though.
In regards to Chrono Ranger–I recall reading that his nominally-weak base power was augmented by several cards. How does this work in play, and how does it differ from Expatriette's Ammo or Fixer's Stances/Tools?
Does Omnitron X get his big brother's sorts of attacks (Interpolation Beam, Railgun, Disintegration Ray) or are they all new?
Does The Scholar actually use his HP as a commodity, or is it more like, "You can keep beating on me, no problem–I'll just heal and let my allies do the work."?
Omni X does have a few of his older villan forms weapons (though not as high of damage.) The real fun part is his components are not limited, and can add up to do some real craziness. Sadly, he does not have drones, though he does have a couple high power attacks where he blows up his own equipment and components to do big damage. Last game i had him able to either draw or play 2 cards at the stard of his turn (i had both coil beams, one inervation beam, one focused plasma cannon, and 2 of the draw or play beams out) and yes, his platings can really tuin a villans day, and he gets cards that allow him to pull them from his deck.
Yes, he can blow up his own equipment and components. Note, he said "his own equipment and components" and not "his own equipment and his own components." Can have a lot of fun with that card.
Note that O-X's Singularity is not limited to just his own stuff. Makes for a spectacular game-ender, and unlike Wraith's Inventory Barrage it hits every non-hero target too.
My only play of Scholar so far was definitely of the "whatever, man, I'm good" variety. He mostly uses cards in hand as a commondity from what I could tell, as all of his "elemental" forms require a discard for upkeep.
Some (one?) of Ranger's bounties increase his damage to that target. He also has a psychotic "Bloody Knuckles"-style ongoing that increases ALL of his damage – given and received – by the number of bounties he has in play (with a power that lets the card destroy itself, like some of Ra's stuff) and an equipment that deals damage equal to bounties. Mostly where his move differs from Fixer's Strike is in frequency thanks to all of his one-shot riders, although I wasn't playing with him so I'm not really sure.
Out of curiosity, how are the three new heroes in terms of ongoing and environment destruction? I ask because I know that is one of the more important qualities for a balanced team of heros to have.
I know Ranger has a weird one-time power (think "grenade") that can pick off an E/O card and O-X has a version of his previous model's Terraforming Beam. Off the top of my head, I don't think Scholar has anything.
I've played him in two games so far. One of the first things I noticed was that his element cards are not marked as Limited, which can get downright burly if you have the cards to discard each turn to keep them out.
Game number two was against Miss Information, who was just wrecking us–especially after she flipped. Unity's golems were toast between Miss I. targeting lowest hit point hero targets and her retaliation ability. Omnitron-X lasted a while due to us fighting in Pike Industrial Complex where all damage was being converted to toxic and he had the appropriate plating out. Eventually, though, it was just The Scholar surrounded by the inert bodies of Chrono-Ranger, Omnitron-X and Golem Unity. Using their incapacitated powers to let him either draw or play a card on each of their turns fueled his hand, and even though he wasn't doing a lot of damage at any one time he did whittle Miss Information down to 0 while ending the game at 24 hit points himself.
I will say that if you like drawing cards and running through your deck, this is the guy to play. I went through about 3/4 of the deck in the first game (without the benefit of fallen teammates letting me draw a card on their turn).
Chrono Ranger has a Temporal Grenade equipment card that when used can deal up to 3 targets either energy or lightning damage then will destroy 1 environment or ongoing card and then finally destroy itself.
Omnitron-X has a Bio-Engineering ongoing that can destroy 1 environment card and deal 1 target 2 energy damage. Omnitron also has a one-shot Disruptive Flechettes that destroys up to 2 ongoings and will deal all non-heroes 2 damage.
Chrono-Ranger and Omnitron-X are quite capable of ongoing and environment destruction. The Scholar is not.
Chrono-Ranger is capable of buffing his nominally weak base power to the max, enhancing it with (under extremely optimal conditions) +8 to damage. He doesn't have to use that power, though. He has several really cool powers, and a useful card for fetching them. I insist, however, that his base power is perfect, both mechanically and thematically, for reasons that you will understand when you actually see his deck. (Or when somebody here blurts it out.) (Or when somebody here takes another comment and puts 2 and 2 together.)
The Scholar is a great tank, equaling or exceeding Nightmist's powers. He does not use his life as a commodity. He uses his life gain as a commodity.
Wow Chrono ranger sounds like alot of fun and i look forward to Omnitorn X ,unfortunately i havent ordered the scholar cause he sounds pretty awesome. I have a question though the Scholar sounds great but he almost seems invincible, has any1 lost a game with him? Maybe he is beatable but everything you guys are saying about he sounds unstoppable