
Thought I'd mention this here in case anyone's interested - as my Minecraft server seems to be buggered tonight, I've instead whiled away the time Sentinel quizzes on Sporcle. Sporcle, for those who don't know, is one of those sites where you can play quizzes on pretty much any subject you care to think about. It's free and everything, and you don't even have to make an account to play quizzes (though of course, scores and stuff aren't recorded unless you do). I just made a fairly simple quiz (name all the heroes, villains, and envinroments for everything up to Infernal Relics) but am working on more. If anyone's interested in playing, here is the link to my quiz...


I don't get any special prizes or anything if people play my quiz, I just thought it might be of interest to people with a few minutes to waste. More quizzes are on the way :).

That was fun. I finished with 48 seconds left. As soon as I saw the quiz, I just thought to myself "I know EVERYTHING."

I love Sporcle.

Heh :). I've done another couple of quizzes since posting that one, and I'm working on more. Well, I've submitted one more and am just about done with another one - just got to test it and make sure all the spellings are correct and stuff. I would imagine that if you look up my account name on the site (probably accessible on the quiz page I linked above), you'll find my other work. Such as it is ;). I suppose I'll have to make a new version of the first quiz once Shattered Timelines comes out ;).

What subjects are the other ones?

Naming cards from decks. One deck per quiz. But I've only done two so far ;).

Omg I only just noticed the blatant Python reference on Fanatic's "Undaunted" card :D.

Fun quiz!


This quiz has taught me that I might know the names of all the decks but I can't necessarily spell them all...

Lol...well, unfortunately there's no way to anticipate every possible way someone might attempt to spell every word in the quiz ;). I've allowed for a couple of alternate acceptable answers, though, such as where someone's name might be shortened just to a single word (like a certain fellow with a two-word title followed by his name, but whose name alone I will accept as a correct answer).

Edit - got a couple more quizzes up now as well :).

I love Sporcle, too.

Finished the first test in 2:09. I bet I could do that faster.

What is Undaunted referencing? I don't remember Python well enough, apparently. Is it the 'only a flesh wound scene'?

Now to see if I can find the other quizes ...

Found the other three. Fun! I did worse then I expected, missing 3 or 5 of each. I recognized the effects, but couldn't dredge up the names.

Finished with 35 seconds left. My main problem was trying to type in things from Shattered Timelines since those were the freshest in my mind. Also not using Pike Industries long and complicated name. Fine that may have been cheating to look it up while on the quiz, but I originally thought I was somehow misspelling it.


Suprisingly in the statistics Insula Primalis is at 75%, even though Citizen Dawn is at 100% and that is her home. Also Dawn happens to be the only villian at 100%, I would of thought at least Baron Blade would be aswell.

Arenson - The quote I was referring to was from the "Black Knight" scene of "Monty Python and the Holy Grail".

Black Knight - "I'm Invincible!" /  Fanatic - "I'm invincible!"

Arthur - "You're a loonie."  /  Ra - "You're a lunatic."


Glad people are enjoying my quizzes :). I'd've done some more but it was around midnight by then so I logged off and went to bed instead. I'll do some more tonight if my Minecraft server still won't let me in. I'm sure you can anticipate who they'll be about :D. Once I run out of decks to do name-all-the-cards quizzes, I'll have to see if I can think of some other Sentinels-based quizzes I can do ;). Don't expect any Timelines ones until I've actually got hold of the expansion myself. So, erm, quite a few months yet ;).

Made a bunch more quizzes today, but I've reached the monthly limit and can't make any more till next month now, I presume. More to come when I can, though!

As it's a new month, I'm able to make some more quizzes - finished off the hero quizzes, and will move on to villains tomorrow. It's getting late and I'm a bit tired atm so can't be arsed to do any more for now. But more are on the way! :)

Caught a spelling error in the Visionary Quiz. You have Mind Spike down as Mine Spike.

Allmost lost trying to name the chairman as "the organization" :P


Good quiz, but too easy!

Now you should include the Shattered Timelines and all the promos

Oops, thanks for pointing out the typo, Katsue - I've just gone and corrected it :).

Odin - I have loads more quizzes up now than just that first one. In fact, here is a link to the page which lists all the quizzes I've made so far...


So far I've made a quiz for every hero deck that I own (I have no promos at all so far, but Unity and Ambuscade will be joining me along with Shattered Timelines, Vengeance, and all the other zillions of promo stuff that's coming from the Kickstarter :D), and will be moving on to villains and then environments. I can only make eleven quizzes a month so it'll be another month or two before I can finish that. let me see, I did four heroes yesterday, so I can make another seven quizzes this month. There are twelve villains and eight environments so twenty decks in total. So, erm...seven this month, leaving thirteen. Then eleven in January (unless the total number of quizzes you can make goes up or something - eleven seems like a weird number), and the final two (which will therefore be the Realm of Discord and Tomb of Anubis, as those are the last two in my box in the order I keep them) in February. And then I might make some other, more random quizzes (probably more a case of answering questions than listing names) after that :).

Full marks with two minutes to spare! Slightly worrying, since I don't actually own a copy of the game yet...

Hehe, gratz :D. I take it that was in the first quiz. That's the easy one - only requires you to name all the heroes and stuff. All the others so far require you to name cards in each deck :D.