Started to get excited about GSF

I don't know how many people have noticed, but the stretch goals for GSF have been adjusted based on new info from the printers and are starting to look very achievable to me, which is starting to get me excited. 


I pledged at the + minis level and can just imagine the panic my kids will have the first time an opposition flagship hits the table. If they are super sized minis I am sure it will be that much more of an effect. They will be jumping from sector to sector trying to get away, but we will raid and rally and eventually win the day (or perhaps die horribly in the vacuum of space). I can't wait to explore the new epic combinations of upgrades and powers we will find. Yes I am definitely getting excited about GSF!

Completely agree! I'm really hoping we can get things moving and hit those goals. :grin:

It looks like, with these most recent changes, there's been a bit of a push. Let's keep it rolling! I'm really excited about where it's headed.

I think we can, I think we can, I think we can! With the end rush we should hit the 75k goal, maybe even before that if the momentum picks up as it seems to be a bit. It's the 100k goal that will be the interesting thing to see if we can make it or not. 

I also think more people should post on the KS comments.  It always looks better when you check out a KS and there area lot of comments. Good buzz.