State of GTG - November 2018

Here we are with another monthly update! Sorry about being a day late this month. Here's some stuff we worked on since the start of October!

  1. We launched the Kickstarter for Spirit Island: Jagged Earth! It is going very well, and we are very excited!
  2. Maggie, Rae, Matt, and I all attended Essen in Germany! We helped Pegasus sell all of the first German print run of Spirit Island, and had a bunch of good meetings.
  3. Eric Reuss visited GTG HQ in St. Louis and we worked through a bunch of Spirit Island development.
  4. Christopher attended Metatopia and had a bunch of great meetings.
  5. Maggie, Craig, and I all had extensive meetings working through our procedure for customer service and handing our dramatically increased volume.
  6. Matt, Jodie, Alex, and I all had extensive meetings working through the organization of the warehouse and handling our dramaticall increased volume.
  7. Cassidy from Cheapass Games visited St. Louis to talk about integrating her and the Cheapass Games catalog into GTG.
  8. I finished running a season of Sentinel Comics: The Roleplaying Game on our Twitch channel.
  9. Chris Burton completed a major round of playtesting for Prime War.
  10. Maggy attended the Southern Hobby B2B show.
  11. We released and started shipping the errata pack for the 4th and 5th print runs of Spirit Island.
  12. We finished shipping the bulk of the OblivAeon Kickstarter (everything except for missing, damaged, and erroneous shipments).
  13. We finished shipping all of the OblivAeon related replacement parts that came in before the 26th of October.

Here is the status of all of our works in progress.

In Stock Since August

  • SotM: OblivAeon
  • SotM: Stuntman, Benchmark, & Void Guard
  • SotM: Complete Hero Variant Collection
  • SotM: Ultimate Collector's Case
  • SotM: 5th Anniversary Foil Villain Collection
  • Spirit Island (6th Printing)
  • Spirit Island: Branch & Claw reprint

Shipping to Backers

  • Some replacement parts and shipping error replacements

In Transit; On a Boat

  • Spirit Island (6th Printing part 2)
  • Bottom of the 9th mini-expansions

At Factory; Pre-Press Work

  • Legends of Sleepy Hollow
  • Bottom of the 9th reprint
  • Homebrewers
  • Microbrewers

Current WIP Focus by GTG

  • Sentinel Comics: The Role Playing Game core rulebook (Christopher, Jenn, Critical Hits)
  • Prime War (Christopher, Chris Burton, Lore Forge)
  • Spirit Island: The Jagged Earth (Paul, Christopher, Jenn, Erik)
  • Sentinels of Freedom video game (Christopher, Adam, Underbite Studio)
  • The History of Sentinel Comics (Christopher, Adam)
  • Fate of the Elder Gods: Agents of Arkham (Chris Kirkman)
  • Homebrewers (Chris Kirkman, Chris Burton, SaRae)
  • Some other games (Chris Kirkman, Chris Burton)
  • A new and improved website (Jenn, Paul, Alex, Joel)

I'll see you next month!

Thanks Paul

That Maggie/Maggy sure is fickle with her name.

Man, that's it.

We're living in the post-Oblivaeon GTG society. @_@

Spirit Island stuff shipping to backers?

So is Eric/Erik.

Thanks for keeping us up to date, Paul. Have you guys heard anything from Green Ronin as to where they are in the development of Sentinels of Earth-Prime? Also, do you know if they're using the same printing company that you guys at GTG use for your Multiverse products? I'm just curious if we're going to get the same level of material quality of card that we get from that game as we get from you.

I finally got my copy of OblivAeon and I don't have much intrest in Spirit Island, so I guess I'm waiting for the SC: RPG Kickstarter to drop in a little over two and a half months. That's still on track for January next year, right?


I'm not sure where Green Ronin is in the process! I do know that our portion of the project is now done, so they are on the art and layout portion of the project. I do believe that they are using the same printer.

We are still on track for a SCRPG Kickstarter in January!

I’d heard some talk about a release of another SCRPG one-shot for PAX unplugged.  Any idea when we might see it in the store for purchase or download?

  1. Cassidy from Cheapass Games visited St. Louis to talk about integrating her and the Cheapass Games catalog into GTG.

Wow! Thats really cool! I love cheapass games xD


PAX Unplugged :)

I miss Paul's December update :(

Give him time.  

@Paul, regarding Prime War in July you advised that by the fall the updates should be monthly just like a Kickstarter. What are your plans for more detailed updates in the future?

I would recommend these for the lore:

And this for the mechanics and overall things: The Play Greater Podcast: Interview with Prime War designers Lore Forge Games

Of what developments have come out lately.

Edit: This also showed up today: The Con Days Are Over, the Con Days are Done – Lore Forge Games

cant been itching for some Prime war updates but Jeysie beat Paul too it.

Wait a sec, there's a non-Letters Page GtG podcast?!?

Sort of. Right now it’s almost entirely audio versions of the SCRPG sessions and their panels at the most recent GenCon. The only unique/new content is the above interview with the Lore Forge dudes, a 15 minute interview with Mr. Reuss about the Spirit Island expansion, and I realized just this moment a 15 minute interview with Handelabra’s Jeremy; will have to listen to that one.

They have not been active in promoting it for whatever reason.    I’ll need to listen to the Jeremy one myself as I wasn’t aware of that one.  

Yeah, thanks, Jeysie, for letting us all know about this. I remember GTG saying there would be audio versions of the RPG sessions back when those were running, but then I kinda forgot about it. :B