Here we are with another monthly update! Sorry about being a day late this month. Here's some stuff we worked on since the start of October!
- We launched the Kickstarter for Spirit Island: Jagged Earth! It is going very well, and we are very excited!
- Maggie, Rae, Matt, and I all attended Essen in Germany! We helped Pegasus sell all of the first German print run of Spirit Island, and had a bunch of good meetings.
- Eric Reuss visited GTG HQ in St. Louis and we worked through a bunch of Spirit Island development.
- Christopher attended Metatopia and had a bunch of great meetings.
- Maggie, Craig, and I all had extensive meetings working through our procedure for customer service and handing our dramatically increased volume.
- Matt, Jodie, Alex, and I all had extensive meetings working through the organization of the warehouse and handling our dramaticall increased volume.
- Cassidy from Cheapass Games visited St. Louis to talk about integrating her and the Cheapass Games catalog into GTG.
- I finished running a season of Sentinel Comics: The Roleplaying Game on our Twitch channel.
- Chris Burton completed a major round of playtesting for Prime War.
- Maggy attended the Southern Hobby B2B show.
- We released and started shipping the errata pack for the 4th and 5th print runs of Spirit Island.
- We finished shipping the bulk of the OblivAeon Kickstarter (everything except for missing, damaged, and erroneous shipments).
- We finished shipping all of the OblivAeon related replacement parts that came in before the 26th of October.
Here is the status of all of our works in progress.
In Stock Since August
- SotM: OblivAeon
- SotM: Stuntman, Benchmark, & Void Guard
- SotM: Complete Hero Variant Collection
- SotM: Ultimate Collector's Case
- SotM: 5th Anniversary Foil Villain Collection
- Spirit Island (6th Printing)
- Spirit Island: Branch & Claw reprint
Shipping to Backers
- Some replacement parts and shipping error replacements
In Transit; On a Boat
- Spirit Island (6th Printing part 2)
- Bottom of the 9th mini-expansions
At Factory; Pre-Press Work
- Legends of Sleepy Hollow
- Bottom of the 9th reprint
- Homebrewers
- Microbrewers
Current WIP Focus by GTG
- Sentinel Comics: The Role Playing Game core rulebook (Christopher, Jenn, Critical Hits)
- Prime War (Christopher, Chris Burton, Lore Forge)
- Spirit Island: The Jagged Earth (Paul, Christopher, Jenn, Erik)
- Sentinels of Freedom video game (Christopher, Adam, Underbite Studio)
- The History of Sentinel Comics (Christopher, Adam)
- Fate of the Elder Gods: Agents of Arkham (Chris Kirkman)
- Homebrewers (Chris Kirkman, Chris Burton, SaRae)
- Some other games (Chris Kirkman, Chris Burton)
- A new and improved website (Jenn, Paul, Alex, Joel)
I'll see you next month!