Stealth token storage solution

Edit: Apologies for the large images - I'd formatted the tags to shrink them to 480x360, but that hasn't seemed to work. Looks fine in the WYSIWYG editor though. =/


Behold! My Sentinels box, containing both expansions, Ambuscade, Unity, and all my tokens!

"But Ax0r!" I hear you cry. "You said you had your tokens in there! Where are they?"

Look again:

Do you see them yet?

Let me give you a hint:

Do you see?


Close up of the HP container foam box

The Modifier token foam box, empty.


The foam cubes were carved out with a scalpel blade. First a 4-5mm deep incision all the way around, about 4mm from the top. From the deep edge of this cut, I then cut vertically, to create the sides of the box. The sides are then flipped out so the core can be cut out. Once that's done, the lid can be cut from the piece that was removed - I leave a lip so that there's some friction to the lid.

To secure the lid, small slits are cut in the side of the box (or lid), about 2mm deep to the top surface of the box side. Into this slot, I've superglued a small NIB (rare earth) magnet, only 3mm round by 1mm thick. Opposite to this on the lid (or box), I've glued more magnets on the surface of the lid. The small thickness of foam between them is enough to hold the lid on against gravity and with the weight of the tokens in there, but it's still easy to take the lid off.

If you're planning on doing this yourself, here's some pointers I learned along the way:

- go slow. If you peel the foam apart and slice through slowly only a few fibres at a time, you'll get a nice even surface.

- be careful not to get too close to the edges. It's a very short distance between "too thick" and "hole right through the foam"

- with the above in mind, try to make the box as big as you can - cut the lid small, to maximise the space inside. The tokens only just fit.

- if you do put a hole in it or trim it too thin, you can use off cuts to patch the holes. Contact cement (the goopy yellow glue) is best, but I didn't have any, and superglue works fine.

- even if you screw up, the foam still has enough structural integrity to sit in place and hold the cards up, so there's not a lot to lose.

Approved. Carry on.


Very nice!

But what will you do when there isn't room for the foam inserts any more? :\

I agree – very awesome



This question looms for me, too, as my lovely briefcase is kinda heavy and though it may have room for one more expansion, won't have room for anything beyond that.


There is so much cool stuff for the game that it's a challenge to figure out how to store it.  This, folks, is what we call a 'Class A' problem. 


Kind of related to this, I have found that the original core game is still fantastically awesome for teaching new people the game. What was great a year ago has not stopped being great just because there are better and more things out there. Today, then, when I fly to Houston I will be packing just the original core game. Nice and compact.

That's awesome! Looks super cool. i would have done that if I didn't sleeve all my cards...

This is a ridiculously good idea, but I'm with UXM, I sleeved all my cards and don't have the foam :(. 

I agree: absolutely awesome idea!

(I'm mostly annoyed that I discarded the foam blocks before I realized just how useful they might be… :cry: )