Sticky for rules questions pending official ruling?

As topic, should we have a stickied thread for rules questions that is in need of official ruling? (bloody knuckles/jack handle comes to mind)

This way, GtG do not need to comb the threads, they only need to visit this one stickied thread.

Of course, questions posted to this stickied thread should be well consstructed and moderated through extensive discussion in another thread. The discussion thread should be linked to the question posted in the stickied.

What do you think?

I like it. I agree that there is going to have to be a lot of moderation, but it'd be nice for those that don't have contact info for the designers to be able to request official rulings somehow.

I think that if it turns out the Jack Handle/Bloody Knuckles combo lets Fixer hit all non-heroes for 5 I'll have to go find and take back all of my Mr. Fixer complaints, suggestions, and house rules.

Nominally, I am moderating rules questions by posting them into the moderator's forum so >G can see them more easily but (A) I've fallen behind in doing that and (B) They haven't been able to get to even the ones that I've put there, SO ...


I agree, there should be a stickied thread. My vision of how this would work is that I (or other moderators) would keep the first post in the thread edited with which questions remain to be answered, including a link back to one or more posts, threads where the question was discussed.


Assuming that I get buy-in from >G, I will renew my efforts to organize these. In the meantime, I encourage people to post unanswered questions and/or links to unanswered questions in this thread.


NOTE: I already know about the following:

* How does Dual Crowbars work

* Hairtrigger Reflexes vs Fowl cards

* Throat Jab vs. Backlash Field (not sure if this was officially ruled)


What is the question in reference to Jack Handle and Bloody Knuckles? I have not followed that closely enough to understand what needs to be answered.


The ruling for Jack Handle and Bloody Knuckles is similar to the one needed for Dual Crowbars, but they are different and should be asked seperately.

If Mr. Fixer has Jack Handle and Bloody Knuckles in play he can use Strike to target himself. He should be dealing himself 5 damage (1 from Strike, 2 from damage dealt, and 2 from damage taken). However, since Jack Handle is out he doesn't hit himself, instead he hits all non-hero targets (like with Jack Handle/Infection interaction) for the same amount of damage. "Same amount of damage" would imply that all non-hero targets would take 5 melee damage. Is this correct?

I could be wrong (new to the forum, and totally was on the bounty/target debate) but I think the question for jack handle/knuckles is as follows:

If fixer has knuckles and the handle in play, and uses strike on himself, would he hit all non-hero targets for 3 damage or 5?

It comes down to whether jack handle functions like a redirection (that's my guess) and hits for 3 damage after the recalculation, or if the final damage Is based off the damage he would have delt (which makes it function like crowbars in a sense)

Note to self -- ruling needed on difference in meaning between cards entering/leaving play and targets entering/leaving play. Imbued Vitality and certain character cards (Operative, Ennead, Heroes) can cause a change in whether or not a card is a target. Some things trigger on cards entering/leaving play and some things trigger on targets entering/leaving play, so what happens if the status of a card changes from non-target to target or vice versa w/out the card itself leaving/entering play?


Ninja'd – Ronway posted an answer from Christopher on this.

The question for Dual Crowbars is related to the Jack Handle one, but it is different (because damage must be dealt to trigger the crowbars).

Dual crowbars says that if you do damage to a target you may do the same damage to a second target. We already know that the second hit is not increased a second time "damage dealt" modifiers like the Crowbars innate boost (or by Galvanize). The question is how "damage taken" is handled. If Mr. Fixer hits Apostate for 2 how much does he deal to his second target the Runes of Malediction? Is it 2 or 0?

If Mr. Fixer has Bloody Knuckles in play and hits himself for 6 how much does he deal to Omnitron? Is it 6 or 4?

If Mr. Fixer hits Mobile Defense Platform for 2 how much does he deal to his second target, an immune to damage Baron Blade?

what’s the hair trigger vrs fowl question?

I would like an official ruling on how La Capitan's Advanced flip side works.  It says whenever she would be dealt damage, prevent it and burn a card.  It also says the first time she would be dealt damage in a round, redirect it.  Conventional wisdom says that when things have competing triggers, the heroes choose the order, so her advanced rules don't have any effect until you burn through her cards.  Only then will the redirection kick in, and only once, because she's about to flip back.  Correct, or no?

Just because the wording of the advanced mode says "first time", I have been playing it where she redirects before any of her plundered booty gets destroyed. The wording of "first time", for me at least, means they are not in fact competing triggers. First time wording would take precedence

I think the point of the advanced mode is to make her harder to flip back over and to protect her healing a bit more.

If it was the other way, after the booty was back, she couldn't redirect b/c it's no longer the first time she would be delt damage anymore. Remember discarding her stolen treasure prevents the eventual damage, it doesn't prevent the attack from launching. 

At least that's how I have been playing

ohhh. it’s specifically with darken the skies… yeah that makes sense.

Actually, that's not what I was referring to. The hairtrigger reflexes vs. Fowl question I was referring to is, 'If Hairtrigger Reflex is in play when a Fowl card is played, causing the Fowl card to be destroyed, does The Matriarch get to play another card?'


This thread is in danger of being about every possible rules question, so if you want to discuss any of these questions, I highly recommend either finding the original threads or starting a new one.

I think ketigid asked that question in the thread.

But it might not be a bad idea to have one topic of unanswered questions that link to other threads.

UPDATE: Don't post things here. Take a look over here:

Indeed. Sorry, I didn't read far enough in to the thread.


If there's a thread on this, would you please point me to it? If not, would you please start one?


If you can point me to an existing thread for this question, please do. If not, would you please create one?