Suggestion on villain trash with only 1 card

Chairman has only 1 card, Prison Break, in the villain trash. Visionary plays Suggestion. Should the one and only Prison Break card go on top or at the bottom of the villain deck? Or is it an invalid play?

I'm really not sure.  I'm tempted to say it is an invalid play since the first sentence can't be followed, but if it is valid I would definately say it goes on top because that is before the instruction to put one on the bottom.

(Although I guess I can think of an alternate reading where you select the same card twice and put it on the top, then on the bottom, but that seems kind of silly).

There are no such invalid plays, since in Sentinels the clauses on a card are not conditional. Unless it specifically says "if you do..." on them, you can play a card even if you can't fulfil all the effects. In this case, you would pick prison break and a second, invisible card, and pick one to put on top and one on bottom.

The rules say that if you can't do something on a card that's okay, just do what you can. For example, if Traffic Pileup is in play heroes cannot draw. Haka can still legally play Haka of Battle. He would not draw two cards, but he can still discard one or more cards and he still get the damage boost for each discard.

I agree that you can always play a card unless something specifically says it cannot be played.  When I say an invalid play, I mean it's possible that playing this card has no effect in this situation.

It first says to pick 2 cards from the villain trash.  You cannot do this, so you don't (at least not entirely).  Then it says to put one on the top of the deck and one of the bottom.

So it is ambiguous whether:

  1. It does nothing (since you can't pick two),
  2. It only puts one on the top (since you do that first, and then you don't have another picked card for the bottom),
  3. It only puts one on the bottom (since you could only pick one and that is the last thing done to a picked card),
  4. You get to choose the top of the deck or the bottom (since you can decide whether you are picking the card as the first or second).

My top choice is 2, though I think 1 is pretty reasonable as well.  (And really I think any of them are reasonable or I wouldn't have listed them).

4 is correct. It doesn't say "put one on top. Put one on bottom." It just says "and," (and not and THEN, either) which means that they happen simultaneously in an undetermined order. Since the rules state that any simultaneous actions occur in an order as decided by the players, you could either put it on top or on bottom according to your whim.