Suggestions for sentinels catchphrases

I just read a pretty funny post where someone imagined AZ walking away from his defeated foe saying "Have an ice day". Actually made me snort!

Every good superhero needs a catchphrase right... So any suggestions for catchphrases for the other sentinels?

I suppose Tachyon's would be something along the lines of "Must dash!" or "Gotta run!". There's a whole slew of very terrible fire-related puns that you could give Ra...

Nice. Yes, I rather thought terrible puns might be the order of the day ;)

Bunker: Fire in the hole!

Or something similarly military...Perhaps?




Chrono-Ranger: "Looks like yer out of time."

Tempest: "I hate to rain on your parade…"

Wraith: "..."

Visionary: "I saw that coming."

Legacy would have something inspirational and maybe patriotic. 

Expatriette: *click* as she reloads, releases a safety on a gun, pumps a shotgun, the detonator of an expolsize activates, etc. 

Mr. Fixer: "Right tool for the right job." This might be followed up with some specific tool pun. 

I can do this all night. But, I really shouldn't. 



I tried this out my first time playing, I was drawn to Visionary.  So while playing her, whenever I saw a person pull a brilliant move I'd say "Now that was... Visionary!"

I would imagine the rest of the Freedom Five giving catchphrases to Absolute Zero. I see Absolute Zero giving a member of the annead a cryo blast and Tachyon saying. "You sure stoped him COLD, Zero!"


And Absolue Zero would sigh softly to himself, wanting this thing to be over, and be back in his cell...

Would the Freedom Five have a group catchphrase as well? Along the lines of "Avengers Assemble"? I know that Legacy's deck has a group shot of them (the one where everyone gets to draw a card?), but the flavor text didn't exactly sell me on that being a catchy enough catchphrase.


Unity especially. Probably Tachyon, too. The others don't really seem to be the type.

Nightmist: "Time to say goodnight."

AZ: "Why don't you just...chill" while freezing a foe solid. I swear, just look through all the Mr. Freeze puns, and all of them work :))


And of course, my favorite:

Haka: "HAKA SMA-I mean, CRUSH."

Haka is actually quite well spoken, and when he does get really into the battle, he tends to fall into chanting hakas rather than speaking like a giant monosyllabolic toddler.


Perhaps he's indulging in a little self-effacing irony?

And I now realize that it's taken me nearly a year of playing to realize Haka wasn't just a random name but a call to battle/war dance.  


Can't believe it took me that long to look up, so did Haka pick up his eloquence over many lifetimes of living?

Oh, I'm just combatting misconceptions about Haka. No offense intended. His voice is one of my favorites to write in. 

He did his own facial tattoos with a sharp stick and snake venom. He would be my favorite character to write as well. Totally my favorite when it comes to flavor text 

I get that, he's one of your babies, but you know people are only going with what thy're given.  Printing "The Savage" on Haka's character card is sort of asking for people to misinterpret him.  But I imagine like you've said for Fanatic, The Savage Haka is what other people would call him, not what he would call himself.

Yeah "The Savage" as a tagline for him is a bit tongue-in-cheek. Certainly, people would tell the towering, mostly shirtless warrior a savage, but he's the only one who could give Legacy a stern look and make Mr. Parsons feel bad for coming down hard on a teammate who dropped the ball. 

I don't mind people misunderstanding. I just like to fill in the details where I can.

eternal haka goes along way toward that

One of my favorite things is that you take the time to fill in those details.  Now if only I could try and bait you into giving more details away about the others, but I imagine you only give away as much as you want, no matter how much egging on there is.

Oh, I'm always up for some egging on. *huge grin*