Super Team-Ups!

So, I just saw Iron Man 3 today(well, yesterday as I'm typing this.) with some friends, and while we were playing a round of Sentinels afterwards, I started thinking about supergroups.

Well actually I was thinking about making a character called the mechanic, but then I realized that Unity covers that pretty well. A super-smart character who can build almost anything they can invision. Then I started thinking 'Who would be considered the smartest character in Sentinels?' Was it Unity, or the super-scientist speedster Tachyon? Or was it the Argent Adept or Nightmist with their knowledge of the arcane and unspeakable? Or was it Wraith or Bunker who can think quick on their toes and can see answeres to problems in combat that no one else can? Or is it the Scholar, who is keyed into the very threads of the universe himself?

Mulling it over, I decided they're all the best at their own thing. And then I thought 'Wouldn't it be bad-ass if all the smarties joined together for their own side Super Group?'

Marvel has their own version of this kind of team called the Illuminati, a group comprized of the smartest men on Earth. So, for your consideration, I present the idea of the Guardians of Knowledge.

Tachyon- Guardian of the Sciences

The Argent Adept- Guardian of Magic

The Scholar- Guardian of Alchemy

Unity- Guardian of Awesome Mechanical Stuff(She sort of invited herself to the party…)

That's all i can really think of right now, so I'm open to suggestions. I'd also like to hear any ideas that you guys may have for a Super Team. :grin:

Marvel also had the Knights of the Atomic Round Table.

Two things.

1) Why AA and not NightMist?

2) I love Unity's position and title.

Nightmist doesn't seem to have the kind of personality where she'd team up with people too willingly. Not that I think she's snobbish mind you, just that she seems the loner type that wouldn't want to tangle others up in her own affairs unless absolutely nessesaryand give others the same courtesy.

See, I didn't really think of AA as "magic." Maybe the Guardian of Music, which is apparently some sort of base concept, like magic or alchemy, in Sentinels, and then Nightmist might be magic?


Then again, you're right, I'm not sure she'd be a "team player." Then again, she'd probably watched the Freedom Numerals going up against something they couldn't hope to understand once too often and now she begrudgingly insists on being called in whenever magic is the problem.


EDIT: I just had an amusing thought: Nightmist staring disbelievingly at the Freedom Five, coming to her for help. "Lemme get this straight. A demon from another dimension, a being of pure hatred and evil, tried to sneak into Megalopolis, and your plan was to punch it? Lemme get my stuff..."

Isn't AA already a Guardian of Earth type stuff? Making him a Guardian of Magic too might overburden him and turn him to drink!


But it would be a well-made drink, high quality.

I think AA still uses magic, he just uses music and his instruments as a catalist to use it.

How about we have Nightmist be on consulting status for the group?


I love this, I'd be laughing out loud except the baby would wake up. Pure gold, I love interactions like this :grin:

Maybe Nightmist can be Guardian of the Occult

The Adept is the Guardian of Order, surely (or something along the lines of "Keeper of the Balance"), since his task is to counter the chaos brought by Akash'Bhuta. His musical abilities are just the method he uses, wielding the magical musical instruments. Presumably he knows when to stop bringing order, otherwise he might risk pushing things too far and end up being a bit too "Everything must be the way I want it", kind of like Iron Legacy. Only, you know, with a bit less flying around and punching people in the face ;).

The Adept's magic is just a different area of magic to Nightmist's, that's all. Hers is extra-dimensional wibbly stuff, while his is straightening out the kinks in the natural order of the universe by tapping out a beat on a drum, or whatever ;).

Well then you could say that the Scholar does the same thing since he does the whole 'untangle the threads of the universe' thing that he's naturally atuned into.

To me, the real problem with substituting Nightmist in for the Adept is that this would make the team 75% Freedom Formlessness members.

As for other super-team's, the most obvious is probably a sort of "Freedom Titans," including Pauline, Unity, Omnitron-X*, Visionary (who sometimes has to go on missions with them as "payment" for the FV following some of her more inscrutible pieces of advice, until she actually starts enjoying it), and maybe Wraith's Schrödinger's Sidekick.

The heroes who currently have no affiliation whatever to any team** are Ra, Visionary, Expatriette, Chrono-Ranger, Omnitron-X, and The Scholar.  I can totally picture Horus Of The Two Horizons making a team of some or all of those people to take down the Ennead after his return - especially The Scholar and Omnitron, since they have the sort of "godlike" street cred Ra might respect.

Depending on how you feel about tedious debates that needn't be revived here, Expatriette, Chrono-Ranger, and Fanatic could form a sort of X-Factor style team, using Ranger's future knowledge to find threats other heroes wouldn't, then dispatching them with deadly force.  Of course, "threats other heroes wouldn't notice" doesn't really apply to most SotM games (one could make cases for the non-Matriarch villains from Rook City, or perhaps Ambuscade), so this is probably more of a backstory detail if you use it at all.


* Mostly because Brainiac 10 always hung out with teenagers.  Also, the mechanical interactions between it and Unity tend to work really well.  If you think that two different "bad future aversion" heroes on one team is too much, you could scrap either O-X or Visionary, though really, with 1/7 of current SotM heroes fitting into that category (and over half of the promos), you're fighting an uphill battle.

** This one's a little sticky.  I say that NightMist and Fixer are both loosely tied to the Freedom Something, since the former first used her codename alongside them, while the latter is commonly assumed to be a mentor to their intern.  Visionary is a fringe case, since she's fought alongside the Freedom Six in the future, but is not confirmed to actively work with any group in the present day on a regular basis.

I really like the idea of a teen hero group for the Sentinels Universe. I especially like including Omnitron-X. I can just see YL and Unity begging for the chance to form their own teen hero group(Visionary just really going along for the ride to keep Pauline safe so the 'Iron Era' doesn't come to pass), pestering Legacy and Tachyon into submission. The catch is that Omnitron-X, who can act as both chaperone/spy for the over protective parents and guardians, has to join them as well.

Hmm…I think this team could have some potential. But would they stay together after the defeat of the Ennead?

I can see some of the personalities clashing on this team, but it would just make it more interesting to read about them, in my humble opinion.