Targeting question

I am sure this has come up before so forgive my newbieness.  When a card states that it can target more than one card, or "up" to a certain number of targets, are you allowed to choose the same target card more than once during the effect?  An example would be inflict 2 damage on up to two targets.  Can the same target be chosen 2x?


Thanks for the info!



No, they have to be different targets. An example of a card that could hit the same target twice is Rocket Punch from Omni-X, which says "Deal 1 target 2 projectile. Deal 1 target 1 projectile" since it doesn't say "second target" it is one of the few cards that do that.

The only other example that springs to mind is Scherzo of Frost and Flame. I think everything else specifies "up to..." a number of targets or says "deal one target X damage, then deal a second target X damage" or similar.

Chrono ranger has "Terrible tech-strike", also in the same line (but as a one-shot)

Ooh yes, forgot about that one!

 So this has got to do with kismet more ( but still targeting). So if any card is played (jinx, etc) that stays with a hero....if the text puts it initially with a target with the most hp and during play they no longer are the target with the most hp... Will that card actually move around?


 Just came up with our game last night as we had multiple jinx's and just played where they stayed on the target the initially attatched too.

   In addition do any cards like that specifically affect a hero target character.....will they also affect all ( say unity's golems) their powers by other targets?

 Any light shed would be greatly appreciated.  


1) No, the jinxes don't move around, they stay on the hero they were played on until they are destroyed.

2) If you mean what I think you mean (would Shaky Arm, for example, lower the damage dealt by Unity's golems) then no; the Jinxes only affect the character they're played on, and not any other targets.

 Thanks 8)

  Good to know we played it right on both accounts lol tho it was kinda to our somewhat advantage....ermmmm....yea.....

Bleh, Kismet's horrible - she beat us again yesterday. I think we've fought her thrice now, and she's kicked our arse every time. Well, we were doing okay for a couple of rounds this time, but then Lady Luck came out. Tachyon and myself (Adept) kept trying to destroy it but it kept preventing its own destruction by pulling non-Lucky cards from the deck. When a Lucky card (Fortune's Smile…followed by a second Fortune's Smile) finally did come out on a destruction attempt and Lady Luck went away, we were all practically dead anyway and it was only another round or so before she finished us off :P.