Team combo of the gods

So I was playing a game of sentinels today and it was so awesome that I feel I need to share it. 

I was playing a solo game and I was playing as Fanatic, Unity and The Visionary. I was playing against Omitron.

So it was halfway through the game when Fanatic drew Chastise. So I thought "Oh great what a useless card against Omitron." Then. Something maraculus happened. . . Unity drew Stealth Bot. Imediatly I figured out someting that I never realized before. Unity and Fanatic are unstopable together. So one round went by and I through down my stealth bot with Unity (second in turn order) so I unpatiently waited. Everyone was low on health at this point in time no one was above 12 HP. When it came to Fanatic's turn I played chastise on Stealth Bot. The damage that I would normally take from Chastise I redirected to stealth bot dealing it Zero damage same thing with any other damage that I would normally be dealt. So until I finally defeated omitron I took no damage at all.

Now this is where I need some help figuring all this out. Am I allowed to do that? or must fanatic deal herself that two psychic damage without redirecting it in order for Chastise to stay in play?

and since I'm on this topic does this also apply to the situation of Ra and a situation where Imbued fire and solar flare are in play at the same time where Ra needs to deal himself the four psychic damage to keep solar flare in play, but he can't because Imbued fire converts it to fire damage so no matter what solar flare is destroyed? 

Ok so I just checked the official rulings section and just noticed the non-hero thing was added, but I still have that question do they need to deal themselves that psychic to keep there cards in play

The way the cards are written you're allowed to do that, but the errata was added to make that combo illegal i.e. now stealth bot isn't a valid target for chastise. 

As for Ra, the combo you want is Imbued Fire+ Solar Flare + Flesh of the Sun God, so that you are immune to the fire damage alltogether. Without flesh, you would have Ra be dealt the psychic damage, then Imbued Fire turns it into fire damage, but the card would remain in play, even if the damage type were to change. 

Yeah, I love that combo - Flesh + Imbued Fire + both Solar Flares + Staff = +6 fire damage and none taken from the Solar Flares due to being immune to it. Combine that with Legacy's Galvanise and Inspiring Presence, plus three Obsidian Fields if you're in Insula Primalis and Ra totally kicks arse! This is what we do when we just want a fun game - this combo versus Akash'Bhut, with anyone as the third hero. She doesn't do very well >:).

I would contend that anyone kicks arse when boosted by 5. 

Well, with all the right buffs out, Ra is actually boosted by eleven! That is, two for each Solar Flare (so, four), one for the Staff, one for Imbued Fire, one for Galvanise, one for Inspiring Presence, making a total buff of eight, then the final three from the Obsidian Fields. So he can use a one-damage nuke to do twelve damage! That much buffing with a Flame Spike followed by Blazing Tornado and Pyre is probably the most damage he can do in a single turn to one target (if he aims it all at one target, that is). That'd be a total of twelve for the Flame Spike, then fourteen for the Blazing Tornado and thirteen for the Pyre, giving a total turn damage of 39! And that's if you don't have, say, Scorched Earth when there's loads of Environment stuff out or Drawn to the Flame if the Villain has a bunch of Ongoings :D. Actually, a Scorched Earth with that much buffing (assuming the three Obsidian Fields are the only Environment cards out at the time) would deal fourteen damage to everything, and you'd still get your Power phase after that :D.

Most damage in a single turn to one target? Throw in an Embolden. Or Two. Throw the staff instead of using Pyre. Let him get boosted from Argent Adept. Give him a damage boost from an incapacited power.

If we're interested in more than one target ...

Scorched Earth followed by Drawn to the Flame against the Ennead. Assume all nine Gods are out.


Imagine Ra's playing w/ Argent Adept, Legacy, Fanatic and an incapacitated hero able to let Argent Adept either play a card or use a power. With the right set of cards in play and hand AA can use Syncopated onslaught to boost Ra's attacks by four. Legacy adds 2. Obsidian fields add three. Ra gets four from the solar flares, one from imbued fire, and one from his staff. That's +15 on each attack.


With Scorched Earth, he hits each of the Ennead for at least 18. With Drawn to the Flame he hits them each again for another 15. If any are left and Fanatic has played an Embolden, well Drawn to the Flame isn't limited, so if he has two out, he can do 15 to each of them again. Plus one on each attack due to the nemesis bonus.


This set up requires 3 cards from the env, nine from the villain, one from Legacy, plus the use of Galvanize, one from Fanatic, the correct incapacitated ability, Xu's Bell, both Alacritous Subdominants (and/or both Polyphoric Flares), and Syncopated Onslaught from Argent Adept, plus both Solar Flares, Imbued Fire, both Drawn to the Flames, a Staff, and Scorchered Earth from Ra.


Also, since we're in Insula Primalis already, put all the dinosaurs out and not only hit more targets, but boost the damage from Scorched Earth.


But it could happen.

It's not really a question of could it happen, but which would happen first. All Ennead appearing and killing everyone while you leave 1 or 2 alive while you wait or having it set up so Ra can deal 48 damage every round to all targets?

Don't you mean wait to set up so Ra can win the game in 1 single shot? :wink:

Ah, I hadn't thought of Syncopated Onslaught…yeah, that'd be cool to add in. I've probably played Fanatic less than five times (need to change that) so I'm not as familiar with her cards as I am with most other heroes, so I'd forgotten about Embolden. Since we only play with three heroes, one of those guys wouldn't be in the team. Hmm, so if Fanatic's Embolen allows the use of another power in the power phase, and Ra plays Flame Spike in is play phase, that means he gets to use three powers, right? Wheeeeeee :D.