Tee Shirts

So, after reading the Letters today I thought to myself, "Self, I also want a tee shirt with Legacy's logo on it".  I can see these for a number of the heros.  Could I take the graphics and put something together at Cafepress or something?


Ooh, yeah.  No one else but the cool kids will have any idea what that symbol on your shirt is.  They'll know it's something, but won't know what, which makes them lame and me cool.  I'm in!

I'd prefer that it be a semi-official thing (linked to through the website) just so I was sure that the proper people were getting paid for it, but I love the idea.

Agree to the semi-official part, but yeah, café press makes it pretty easy to make small-run tshirts and other gear. Just think, we could some day rival the green lantern shirt. "Oh, what's this? Clearly it's the One-if-by-land Lantern. Where have you been?"


speaking of things that only the cool people know, I've bought myself some white cargo pants and am on the look out for a grey and white tanktop. Next convention i can make, I'm going as TLT (and I will have cards in my pocket in case ANYONE asks. If you see me, ask for cards.

Looking forward to seeing how the TLT costume turns out! (I'm working on some special cards to go with my Ra costume, also, for those who ask. :sunglasses:  )

I would love shirts with character logos such as Legacy's, but - as Spiff mentioned - I won't buy it unless it's actually from >G. We really need to respect their property and make sure they're getting the money they deserve for creating this universe. Hopefully they'll be able to determine if there's a market for logo shirts, because that would be awesome!

My suggestion would be to send them a message or email and ask exactly what you’ve said here. Can’t hurt!


(There is still an older site >G created via Printfection where we can order shirts and other items with the FF & BB. Personally, I have a few of the black-and-white shirts and really love them. Not as cool as character logos would be, but still really cool! I’ve actually had folks stop me and tell me they liked the shirt, but when I asked if they knew the characters/game, they had no idea - they just liked the shirt. :open_mouth: )

I've been disappointed in the lack of shirts in the >G store. If they were to fix this problem I would be more than happy to give them more of my money :grin:

This is definitely something we will fix in the next several months! We're looking into ways to create a more varied set of options for a PoD store or the like that is integreated with our website. We have a lot on our plates as you might imagine, but this is something we're aiming to get done before the end of the year.

i love everyting about this.

I'd definitely buy a Sentinels T-Shirt or two if they were available featuring pics of my favourite heroes/card art or whatever...but that horrible shipping cost thing would probably be what prevented me from doing so if they weren't available on this side of the Atlantic :(.

I know GtG is all about the games, but their IP has HUGE potential for other products. While I will always want them to be working on the actual games, I do hope they have time to pursue these other products.

An actual pewter Legacy Ring, perhaps...

Don't get me wrong, I wasn't trying to capatalize on their IP.. not at all.  I am more then willing to help them get this done so that they can focus on the game.  Thats all




....so when my all-but-the-ring-fiancé gets his wedding band, it can be the legacy ring, right? ;) hahaha he'd appreciate that.

Isn't an "all-but-the-ring fiance" just a boyfriend?  Tell that man to put a ring on it.  A Legacy Ring!

I think the phrase is “engaged to be engaged.” Want us to talk to him?

We are but poor graduate students saving up money by spending our free time playing sentinels.

That being said, when i told him about that thread from... somewhere... about the expatriette proposal (who is also MY favorite character) he was like "....darn. that was one of my thoughts"

So perhaps there shall be a deliciously nerdy proposal story some time soon?

I smell a new thread about ultra-nerdy proposal ideas for celette's boyfriend! Is he on the forums, or do we need to tell you to give him the URL without going there yourself? Who wants to write the power ballad for the cosplay flashmob to sing???

(On topic: if >G started selling shirts [etc.], I'm pretty sure the Christmas list I send to my family [I'm the last family member barely under 30 and we all still send out Christmas lists] will just be a link to the >G store.)

As far as I know, he is not on the forums, though he is my constant IRL sentinels partner, so a song entitled "Inspiring Supertonic" would not be lost on him.

Hey. I'm celette's boyfriend and I figured I should finally get on here, especially after seeing where this post is going.

Man, I saw the letter about a Legacy shirt and thought "That could actually get me going back to the gym."



Hey. I'm celette's boyfriend and I figured I should finally get on here, especially after seeing where this post is going.


Sweetheart, everyone will think you're angry. You should probably preface this or something. ;)