Both Omnitron and Omnitron-X have cards witht he "component" keyword. It leads to some very, very interesting things.
Cosmic Omnitron flips when there is/isn't components in play - not "his" components, but just "components". Omnitron-X did not exist when this card was written, so should we "adjust" the text so that he flips based on the villain components in play - or should he count Omnitron-X components ?
Omni-X's card "Self sabotage" destroys components - not specifying if they are the hero's or the villain's components... A very powerful card against Omnitron the villain !
What do you think ?
For me, I think Self Sabotage works as intended (he is sabotaging himself, after all!). But I wonder if the Cosmic omnitron "analysis confirmed : components detected. Component reconstruction sequence adverted." is a desired part of the relationship, or not...
I disagree on this point. They are the same being but at a different point in time . If I cut off a foot today does that mean that back in college I only had one foot? Of course not. I can see the argument that hurting my past self might hurt my current self Loopers style, but with robots they might even be from completely different materials. I mean if you look at the two pictures they have very differnt bodies. I don't think X would have been built missing parts just because his previous version had damage.
I think you could destroy CO's components from the rules and it may be intentional, but THEMATICALLYI feel that "SELF sabotage" would only destroy O-X's cards.
I see it working based on the fact that Omnitron-X has intimate knowledge of Omnitron's workings so he can sabotage him easily... and use the scraps for whatever he needs. Since they are the same being (albeit at different times) it can still be considered self-sabotage.
Seems thematic and cool for O-X to be able to destroy big dady Omni's stuff. It IS a more advanced version from the future, it should have some sort of insider knowledge and understanding of Omnitron's weaknesses from personal experience. Couldn't you say O-X is hacking Omni and sending self-destruct codes? Seems like exactly the sort of thing that happens in comics.
Thematically I can see how the Cosmitron interaction making sense. It views O-X as a part of itself and they probably carry some sort of connection. Even if it doesn't make sense to say that it detects the O-X components directly, you could say that O-X uses the sigtatures of his components to spoof self-test results when Cosmitron checks for components.
It kinda feels like it short-circuits the that whole matchup, especially breaking Cosmitron's core flip mechanic. I'm not strictly opposed to that. O-X should totally get unique advantages against Omnitron. It's just a thing to think about and probably not pick that matchup if you want the normal Cosmitron vibe.
I remember discussing Self-Sabotage in playtesting, and I believe it was confirmed that it also destroys Big O's Components. I can't really link to anything, what with the playtesting forum being all "secret society" and such. I haven't heard anything about Cosmic O's rules card's interaction with O-X, but I would be surprised if they didn't word it with the intention of including Little O's Components.
As i recall from playtesting - yes. They are the same. Omnitron and Cosmic Omnitron that triggers of 'Components' include OXs components, and vice versa.
Perhaps "different iterations of the same program" would make more sense? A later version of a program can usually affect prior versions. Besides, as many have said, I view it more as O-X accessing the previous versions' files…or something like that.
I really like the idea of them really synergizing/messing with each other. I gotta play this one soon. Maybe after an official ruling?
That's how I wanted to play it anyway Thanks for the answer.
I hope we will see more "common keywords" between decks in the future - I always found fun to have the realm of discord destroy Visionary's distorsion, so the more cross-effects, the merrier !
I can't tell if that's actually a clarification. We know Omnitron-X has Component cards, but that's not the question. The question is whether any card that affect Components will affect both Omnitron's and Omnitron-X's components. It sounds like the answer is yes, but he didn't actually say that.
Simple logic tells me that each of the members of the Ennead are not each other's nemeses, but the official ruling is that every card that shares a hero's icon is a nemesis of every other card which shares that icon, and therefore they are. I'm not putting anything in the Clarifications doc that hasn't been officially and clearly confirmed.
well, common sense logic and analytical logic aren't necessarily the same thing.
common sense wise, it doesn't make sense, but analytically and following the letter of the law (which seems to trump the spirit of the law in this game) it does.
The point of the story is: Thank you, Christopher. I'm happy to hear that I wasn't suffering from a bout of temporary insanity when I posted what insight I had on the subject. And thank you, Spiff, for your continued dedication to providing accurate, confirmed, and helpful errata/clarifications for Sentinels of the Multiverse. Before I was an active member on the forums, your guides helped my group and I immensely, and I continue to appreciate watching your documents grow, and am happy to do my part in contributing to their continued assistance to the forums and beyond.