The >Games Pet Thread

This is Boo. 

![She is quite fluffy. |4032x3024](upload://jdnZWbaVlwnzDSgkDFfjm10tKVk.jpeg)



Boo does not like it when I try to test things at home. 

![Not helpful, cat.|3264x2448](upload://pxjWahngDCsBYDuldAzoIoHL2zy.jpeg)






Pretty much.  He's bit my wife a total of… three times?  Never so much as broke the skin.


In amongst all the writing for my own company, freelancing for other game companies, and my day job, I also ghostwrite a monthly column in Pet Age for Reptiles by Mack, one of the largest reptile wholesalers in the United States.  My wife used to work there and, even after she left for a different job, I've continued on writing the CEO's monthly column.

So, yeah...we know our way around some reptiles. 

I have a slew of cats.
Between my cat from before marriage, Jake, and my wife's two cats, Assassin and Houdini, we had a decent number already.
Then we decided on getting a kitten.
Then we found there was a pair of sisters at the Humane Society.
And here we are today :D

Jake loves sitting in laps and in boxes. You open a box and take out whatever was inside, hes in the box within 10 seconds.

Assassin got his name from his habit of laying under the end table by the couch and attacking any feet that pass by. Hes learned to not use claws now at least.

Houdini was the shy one and would hide all the time, but he has realized belly rubs and head scratches are THE BEST!

And the two new mews, Lulu and Bella. Sisters, they are just about 3 months old. Lulu has a broken squeaker and just makes a raspy "mah!" instead of a real meow. Which is tough because she makes it when she wants to be picked up, and its hard to hear sometimes :) Bella just loves pouncing on EVERYTHING, but especially her sister. They have taken up what I refer to as "Aggressive Grooming", where they will be grooming each other more and more forcefully until they just end up play-fighting.

The little ones have integrated well with the others. (Assas)Sin has even become their favorite to rub against and he seems happy enough to hold them down and groom them thoroughly :D

One last one that I missed

Cat in a dryer! :D