The Guardians Defeat - Card Ruling

Ok, I am at work right now, so I don't have the card in front of me, but this card is worded oddly. 

Two questions:
1) What does the wording of the card actually mean? 

  a)  It refers to A strike force ship in this sector AND all active players having to remove all artifacts from their ship cards to fulfill the "scrap this card"

  b) why not just say all active players?  


2) does 0 artifacts = all

 a) if no one has any aftifacts can you fullfill this?

Ok, got the acutal text:

"If each active Strike Force Ship in this Sector and all players remove all <Artifacts> from their Strike Force Ship panels, scrap this card."

First of all you're missing the word "is".

"If each active Strike Force Ship is in this Sector and all players remove all from their Strike Force Ship panels, scrap this card."

You check if each active Strike force Ship is in the sector, then all players can remove all their artifacts to scrap that card.


Thanks for the clarification on that text. We had both misread the card without the "is". It makes sense now if all the active strike force ships are in that sector, their players may decide to remove all their Artifacts from their ship panels.

The second question still stands.

Since there are some similarities to Sentinels of the Multiverse in some mechanics and rulings, it raised this question.

In Sentinels, it has been ruled that if something requires a player to discard hir entire hand and 0 cards still constitues a 'hand' thus the 0 card hand can be discarded for whatever effect.

Is it the same in Galactic Strike Force?

If something says 'remove all Artifacts from a ship panel' to trigger an effect, can one choose to remove 'all'  of one's artifacts, even if the number removed is 0 ?

In the Mission Card referenced in this thread, The Guardian's Defeat. there is an Installation Phase event - If each active Strike Force Ship is in this Sector and all players remove all Artifacts from their Strike Force Ship panels, scrap this card.

Assuming all active strike force ships are in that sector; if any of the active Strike Force Ships in that sector did not have any Artifacts (effectively having 0 Artifacts), could those players remove all of their Artifacts along with any other players who may or may not have had Artifacts to remove to scrap the mission card?


I think as long as no SF ships have any Artifacts, the condition would be met, regardless of whether you had to actually toss any or not. But thats just the way I've played it. I am not 100% on this. Just my gut feeling.

This is what I do as well.  But if one ship has artifacts, I'd probably make them discard for it.

Right. The point is that no SF ships have artifacts. If you have artifacts, you would need to get rid of them.