Four of my friends and I took on the Chairman on advanced mode in Rook City. And we weren't completely crushed.
So I'm pretty happy with myself. It was an exciting battle, and I want to try it again some time to win.
But here's the crazy part: we took down The Chairman first. Through a stunning use of Wrathful Retribution, we knocked him clean out of the game right after he flipped. I can't describe my delight when we pulled this off. It certainly helped kill his absurd buff he was giving the thugs.
Sadly, we fell to the power of the Operative and a large team of underbosses and thugs, but in my heart, it was still a mini-victory.
But if I had just gotten Jack Handle sooner (I was Fixer), I'm telling you, that game would have been very different. Possibly a victory.
Maybe. We never got one, but either way, the Operative might have just wiped us all out. I think we took the most damage from just one Hired Gun, since The Chairman was boosting his attack to 7 (8 counting The Contract) to every hero.
I have only played the Chairman once, on normal. Everyone was incapacitated in two turns. After a brief pause, someone asked if anyone was up for a game against Baron Blade. The End.
Would I be right in thinking the Chairman is not the kind of villain you tackle with a random team?
Hmm, no, probably not ;). Someone with deck control would be very helpful, plus anyone who can nerf villain damage. Taking out the Operative quickly would be good too. Use Ra and fight in Insula Primalis and wait for Flesh of the Sun God and the Volcanic Eruption to come out, and then laugh >:). Actually, that plan would work against anyone who isn't immune to fire...which is all of them, I think, except one or two of Voss's minions, and Omnitron if he gets his Adaptive Plating Subroutine out (in which case you can just poke him with something else before the volcano hits again :D)...
at least not your first time> Course we did, and we got trounced. The second time we did a bit more of a picked team, and it was a -very- close victory. He we deserves that 4 status.
I mean Chris has stated he can beat any villian with any 3 heroes. Which its possible sure, but to me it would have to say that some combinations would reallllyyy require a very lucky draw in their decks AND the enviro and villian decks… lucky for the heroes!
The Chairman is beatable with a random team. That's for sure. Mostly, you need your guys to be able to belt out a ton of damage to sort through the ever-increasing ranks of minions. I have found the most helpful characters for beating him are Haka (Savage Mana), Visionary (Brain Burn) and Legacy (Next Evolution/Lead from the Front), because they can exploit his particular weaknesses.
With a solid set-up, that team-up isn't completely insane. I've tried it (Argent, Visionary, and Legacy) once before, but on advanced mode and in Rook City, and we fell pretty quickly after a jail break and Legacy dying.
Legacy is great in this battle, with the aforementioned Next Evolution and Lead from the Front combo. The Chairman and Friends use Melee and Projectile, so Legacy can soak up tons of damage that would be going to the team and nullifying it. That's great. And Visionary can Brain Burn early, saving a ton of grief and the expense of half her HP, and also is a good hero to have around in general. The only problem with this team is damage, as I'm sure everyone is aware. Legacy is the damage master here, which isn't too convincing, so the Adept has to ensure that everyone is fighting in top form, which is hard to do when the other two team members are swamped with important duties that they can't forgo for even one turn or risk immediate defeat.
Gah, it was a fun time, but I doubt if I'll go at it again.
We took on the "Normal" Chairman last night for the first time with a random team. We had Tachyon, Wraith, Argent Adept and Mister Fixer. This was the definition of a bleak fight, and at one point, the HIGHEST player had 6hp and the lowest had 1hp. We were also playing in Rook City itself (which seems like a brutal environment). As players, at least twice, some of the folks wanted to call it a loss, but the rest of us insisted to play all the way through.
It also didn't help that the first Underboss that the Operative brought out was the one that reduced damage to underbosses, The Operative and The Chairman. We started off with them all being reduced by 2, which was pretty rough.
The game took a turn for us when the deck finally flipped, so Underbosses weren't able to bring in thugs constantly (they weren't in the trash any more). It also helped as the deck was getting closed to flipped so the Operative couldn't bring in any more underbosses.
The part I'm most proud of, though, was that we killed the Chairman with a Sucker Punch (Tachyon - Destory any target with 2hp or lower). It just felt remarkably appropriate that after that huge fight, nearly everyone dying, and several moments of "I have no clue how we're going to pull this off", to finish off the Chairman with one of the 'weaker' cards in the deck.
lucky! i always want to end villains with those 'Destroy a target with x hp or less' XD I most want to do it with an incapitated hero that has that!
Amazing for you tho that you lasted long enough for the deck to flip. Most of the time when we've played him he either muderizes us long before he flips, or we just barely manage to take him down before he does.