The Letters Page! Episode 4 Discussion (Expatriette)

Ha! I also asked but I didn't have a great guesss like you!

So am I correct in thinking we'd heard the name of Expatriette's father before? "Citizen Pain" sounded somehow familiar, yet I'd been expecting that to be the big reveal. All the stuff about Scholar was cool, I love that the final Word From On High about Biomancer is "He's really gross", and we heard a few Scion names! That's gotta count for something! :D

"Citizen Pain," was a common (correct) guess for the tombstone seen on "Return with the Dawn" from Sentinel Tactics, who we had been told was Expat's father. So the name has been floating around for a while, but never confirmed until now.

I'm a little sad they didn't get to my question, but I have hope for two weeks from now because it's also a Setback question.

I would watch the Expatriette version of “Arrow!” I think she would be much more interesting.

I thought Christopher actually mentioned the Contract by name. It wasn’t the first time he talked about the sleazy white-suit guy, and it was kind of offhand, but there was something about how he said “when she took the contract on Slim.” Maybe he said “when the Contract talked to her about Slim” or some similar phrasing.

Also, I totally want to see the movie where Slim and Amanda go all Equilibrium Gun Kata. Her first encounter with him sounds great.

Now that we have a taste of Slim's badassery, we now need a detailed account of how kickass The Operative is.

EDIT: At first I was confused, and you thought The Contract was named Slim. (Slim is the name of Mr. Fixer, as you know.)

Yes, I thought they made it pretty obvious, but perhaps not by saying it explicitly. They like that kind of wordplay.

I have thought quite a bit about a sort of fanfic where Netflix makes 'Dark Watch' instead of 'The Defenders'. This episode definitely clarified how the first season would go

I know this was an Expatriette episode, but this episode was further proof that Mr. Fixer is just broken.

I’m happy to know that firing an Assault Rifle at Mister Fixer while Driving Mantis is in play is something that could totally happen in the comics.

Well, I didn't guess any details, but I was write about Citizen Gain and Dawn killing her, too.

Citizen Gain may have lived if she didn't feel a need to avenge her dead husband.   I'm honestly surprised Citizen Gain didn't try to kill her before that.  

At that point she was probably in a rage and didn't care about the consequences.