The Letters Page!

Pydro has done a most excellent thing and put together a submission form! Check it out here!

So, when submitting your questions to the Letters Page, please use this form! 

And don't forget to thank our friendly neighborhood Pydro for being awesome!

[EDIT: Updated to include correct link!]

Good idea. I (and presumably everyone) need access to both the form and the spreadsheet. Check your permissions.

Slight mistake. Here is the link to the form.

This sounds awesome.  I will probably wait a few shows before submitting as I know there will be a ton of ideas to start with.  Also, might breed more questions.  I really think this will help develop my favorite characters' personalities.

Ohh yeah a podcast is audio isn't it...I didn't think of that. Okay so for in-character replies you could just do it as though the character had been given the question and had passed on a written reply for you to read out :D.

Will have to try and think of some questions to ask all of the people :D.

Would you like it to be only one question per submission? I do have quite the number on these two sketch pads in front of me (yes, I needed two pads. And no, don't look at me that way. You shouldn't be surprised all things considered)

If a question has multiple related parts and aren’t too long, one submission is fine. However, do not put multiple questions in one submission. Christopher wants to mark off the queations when answered, which will be much easy with separate submissions. Of course, this is only a guess.

Well, at least he'll have a more than steady stream of stuff to look over

This idea is so awesome. This is going to be great.


I look at the The Letters Page Image and I get the feeling Adam is not pleased with Christopher for being so cheery before he has had his coffee. 

This part:

Adam is not pleased with Chris[topher] for being so cheery just generally true.

I like this idea! I just submitted a question as well! I asked it a long time ago, I hope I finally get a proper response!  :stuck_out_tongue:

Hey, folks! 

We've gotten a ton of great questions! We're working through them now, and we're currently working on an episode about Legacy! We've got a few questions already that we like, but we could certainly use a couple more. Got some burning questions about the first American hero? Ask them here!


If you folks need any music, let me know. I compose all the music for my videos and did the music for this podcast:

Just saw this a few days ago and am very excited. Any (more recent) word on when the first episode will hit?

Hey, do you guys actually for sure control ? I swear that looks like a squatter page…

We do! The actual site is not yet live, so I guess our registrar squats it in the mean time :P

Any chance the first episode will be recorded live at GenCon?

No, unfortunately. We hope to start recording some time after PAX, though that depends on a variety of factors.

I think if you do onw in October/November, you should record it in Australia  :wink: