The Letters Page!

Okay, I have a few questions:

1.  In the history of SotM, who is really the first modern hero (i.e. those who came after G.I. Bunker and G.I. Legacy)?  Is it Legacy himself, Black Fist (a.k.a. Mr. Fixer), or someone else?

2. You guys have made an awesome game and come up with a back story and an excellent comic.  Will we ever see just fun, possibly (non) canon fanfiction from Christopher, Adam, or Paul?

3. Will we see more villains in the same vein as those featured in the Vengence expansion?  Will those featured in the Vengence expansion get the original villain setup?

4. Which villain do you most regret creating either because they are too dark or silly?

5. Your heroes often have unique flaws that separate them from most heroes in comics which seem like gods among men.  What flaw either emotionally or physically would you most like to explore next?

6. Will we see the return of a team-up with Richard Launius ever again? 

7. If you were ever given permission, which comic hero would you like to bring to the world of Sentinels and which version?

8.  Will you ever do a "cameo" ala Stan Lee where the creators are heroes in their own world (even though you guys are already "Citizens")?

9. Which hero's backstory would you most like to flesh out and turn into an animated movie?

10. Can we expect to see more Sentinels minis from GTG or are you going to just stick with tokens for future Tactics expansions?

11. What is the best criticism of the game design that you have heard that has helped shaped the game?


Okay, that was more than a few and there are more to ask, but these are off the top of my head.

You'll probably have to submit those questions using Pydro's form.

Was the Letters Page advertised at GenCon?

Is there a final ETA on release?

Now that the cons are over, does this make the short list?

I asked Christopher about it at the pre-PAX mixer and the way he explained it, it sounds like they know exactly what they're doing in the first episode already, and just need to find the time to record it.


So...maybe it makes the short list now?

Is this still happening in the foreseeable future?

Absolutely! We're still very excited about this. It just had to take a back-seat due to a few major projects, such as the Sentinel Tactics tournament stuff.

Legacy what do think of sonic.

Any updates on this, even if it is “now on the back burner”.

Christopher had some news regarding The Letters Page on the Handelabra stream last night. I can't link to it at work, but he bascially said that his new setup for live streaming will open the door for The Letters Page to be a thing. He still didn't commit to actually doing it, though, but it's the most encouraging news on this in a while. 

Please. No more. My heart can't take any more disapointment on this front.

No, seriously, we're going to do it.

Adam and I have been dying to make this happen for so long. We talk about it at least once a week.

Thing is, we've gotta make games. Once OblivAeon is off to the printer, we're going to make it a priority.

Give us those playtesting files now so you can get it to the printer sooner then!


While I am itching to see OblivAeon I am far more interested in the Letters Page!


Anyone notice this? :grin:


Response from Christopher indicates that they still have our questions from last time, no need to resubmit those, just come up with all new, all different questions of excellence.

Y'know, I had a burning question I wanted to ask someone about two days ago, and now I cannot for the life of me remember it. D:

How about if I toy with them in this way?

Or maybe this?