The REAL Captain Cosmic?

So I was reading a thing somewhere that mentioned a Marvel character named Captain Cosmic. A Wikipedia search turned up nothing... except a local-access variety show that ran in San Fransisco from 1977 to 1980.

It's... uh. Wow. It was a thing, apparently. To anyone who was a kid in the Bay Area in the 70's, I apologize in advance.

(Guess there's no way to embed videos. Smart.)

That's the intro and part of an episode, looks like. It's just this weird thing that relatively few people are likely to have heard about, that suddenly has oblique relevance to something 30 or 40 years on, and I wanted to share it with folks. :B

To answer your original curiosity: There is a Marvel character who goes by Captain Universe and another character with the real name of Vance Cosmic, but AFAIK not a Captain Cosmic.

And, hey now, public access TV is the best precisely because it's so weird. (Also I'm biased because I was in a public access TV show based on Star Trek once.)

Given what I saw the name on was a third-party list of Avengers characters, I suppose it's worth taking with a grain of salt.

I can't say I've ever watched any public access TV, or if I did, it was long enough ago and not-great enough ago that I've totally forgotten it.

If it was a somewhat recent article I think they probably meant Captain Universe, then, since she was a member of the Avengers during Hickman's big run.

Fun fact: Mystery Science Theater 3000 got its start on public access TV.

Yeah, but they can act. :B