So, during a few games of Sentinels yesterday the question came up of what the shortest possible game of Sentinels would be. A friend of mine came up with the following three-turn victory: Play against Iron Legacy with Nightmist and Tachyon, get Nightmist to use Mists of Time of Tachyon to put all her bursts in her trash, then have Tachyon play Lightning Reflexes followed by a pair of Lightspeed Barrages. There's no prize for spotting the mistake, but it did get us thinking about how quickly it could be done, given a perfect draw.
I did manage to come up with a four-turn victory against Iron Legacy or the Ennead (assuming Nuit doesn't appear):
The villain does their thing.
Legacy plays Inspiring Presence and Galvanises.
Omnitronks plays Slip Through Time, Timeshifts out one of and then plays the other of a 4-type Plating and Defensive Blast, then uses Defensive Blast to hit the villain(s) for 12.
Unity uses Hasty Augmentation on Omnitronks to use Defensive Blast to deal 20 more damage to the villains.
There's also a six-turn version to deal with Akash'Bhuta:
Akash chains together three Primeval Eruptions in order to get out every limb she has.
Legacy plays Inspiring Presence and Galvanises.
Argent Adept plays and uses Syncopated Onslaught to boost Omnitronks' and Akash'Bhuta's damage.
Omnitronks plays Slip Through Time, Timeshifts out one of and then plays the other of a 4-type Plating and Defensive Blast, then uses Defensive Blast to hit the villains for 16. Handily, this is also enough to destroy all her limbs, causing her to deal herself 135 damage.
Chrono-Ranger plays Displaced Armory to get out the hat and deal three damage, chains together four copies of Eye on the Prize for 12 more damage, then plays Sudden Contract to play By Any Means on Akash and deal her four more damage. Then he shoots her for four.
Unity uses Hasty Augmentation on Omnitronks to use Defensive Blast to deal Akash 28 more damage, which finishes her off.
So, that's the game: pick a villain, choose basic or advanced (my former strategy works on advanced, but the latter does not), and see how quickly they can hypothetically be slaughtered. Defensive Blast is a lovely way to churn out damage, but more creative methods are extremely welcome (as are speedy hero defeats, if anyone can figure out a way to do them that doesn't involve self-harm or murdering the Dreamer).